Human Behavior ABUSE
Tension: Gets tense Explosion: Outburst and abuse- emotional, verbal, sexual/physical Honeymoon: Apologize, try to make up, shift the blame Cycle of Abuse
Comes in many forms… Physical Verbal Psychological ABUSE IN RELATIONSHIPS
1.5 million high school students experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner ¼ of high schools girls have been victims of physical or sexual abuse Only 33% of teens who were in a violent relationship ever told anyone STATS
When one person uses/threatens to use physical pain to intimidate another person Slaps, pushes, punching, hair pulling, etc. People can be seriously injured or die from injuries PHYSICAL ABUSE
One person uses words or body language to criticize another person Put-downs, name calling Not easily recognized as abuse—causes damage to self-esteem VERBAL ABUSE
Occurs when one person controls information available to another person to manipulate that person’s sense of reality “Mess with their heads” to gain compliance of victim Can be hard to detect PSYCHOLOGICAL (EMOTIONAL/MENTAL)
Unwanted sexual contact Molestation, incest, date rape Usually coupled with physical abuse SEXUAL ABUSE
Use of technology to harass, stalk, or intimidate a partner Partner may constantly keep tabs on you through Facebook, Twitter, etc. Pressures you to sext DIGITAL ABUSE
HOW TO STOP IT BEFORE IT STARTS Your body belongs to you only! Trust your responses Say “stop it” and mean it If you feel like a potential “victim” seek help Who can you seek help from? Parent Friend Teacher Counselor
HOW TO AVOID BEING AN ABUSER Be aware of your own anger Respect someone else’s limits Seek help to understand yourself
A ___________ relationship can have negative effects on both partners. 1.Healthy 2.Un-healthy 3.Family 4.Work Decisions in dating/married relationships should be made by _______. 1.One partner always 2.Both partners 3.Both partner’s parents 4.One partner’s best friend BELL RINGER
What is self-disclosure? 1.Revealing feelings, experience, and attitudes 2.Getting respect, confidence, and love/affection from the relationship 3.Depending and relying on another in a relationship 4.Feeling you get when you are at ease with another person What is needs fulfillment? 1.Revealing feelings, experience, and attitudes 2.Getting respect, confidence, and love/affection from the relationship 3.Depending and relying on another in a relationship 4.Feeling you get when you are at ease with another person BELL RINGER