XVII INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE PANCAP Satellite Meeting Hon Douglas Slater, Minister of Health, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Topic: What is the reality? Theme: “Universal Access in the Caribbean by 2010: What is the Reality?”
Background In 2005, leaders of the G8 countries agreed to work with WHO, UNAIDS and other international bodies to develop and implement a package for HIV prevention, treatment and care, with the aim of as close as possible to universal access to treatment for those who need it by 2010.
Background An international effort to scale up HIV prevention, treatment, care and support with the aim of coming as close as possible to universal access to treatment for all those who need it by 2010 was launched at a meeting in Washington, DC on January 10, 2006.
Background At the June 2006 General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS, United Nations Member States agreed to work towards the broad goal of “universal access to comprehensive prevention programmes, treatment, care and support” by 2010.
Background In the Caribbean the HIV and AIDS epidemic continues to impact on the population. A UNAIDS report for 2007 stated that, -the adult HIV prevalence in the Caribbean was estimated at 1 %. - An estimated two hundred and thirty thousand ( ) persons were found to be living with the disease -There were seventeen thousand (17, 000) new infections. -AIDS is now considered to be one of the leading causes of death among adults in the age group – causing 11, 000 deaths in 2007
What have we done? A Regional Consultation on Universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support was convened in Jamaica, February 14-15, 2006.
What have we done? Some emerging priorities identified: –The need to accelerate the creation of donor harmonization systems –Development of mechanisms to enhance human resource capacity and strengthen health systems –Development of regional strategies and plans to achieve affordable commodities and enhance care and treatment
What have we done? Emerging priorities (contd) –The establishment of multi-sectoral responses to prevention –Greater emphasis on combating Stigma and Discrimination –Proposal of a modality for predictable and sustainable financing
What have we done? The major priority areas identified were : –Financing for an effective response to HIV and AIDS –Human Resource capacity –Organisation and delivery of health systems and services –Human rights, stigma, discrimination and gender equity –Prevention –Research and development, monitoring and evaluation –Political commitment
PANCAP’s Goals for UA By 2010 we would have reaped the benefits of a harmonized international partnership. By 2010 our health and social systems will form the basis of an improved and integrated network of social services for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and support. By 2010, we hope that every country in the Caribbean would have introduced supportive legislation and a policy framework to protect the vulnerable populations, in particular men who have sex with men, commercial sex workers, prisoners, children, and disabled.
PANCAP’s Goals for UA (contd) By 2010, we plan to show the world that every Caribbean woman, man, child has access to relevant information, knowledge and support services by which to take preventive action. By 2010, we would have organized our regimes for care, treatment and support. By 2010, the Caribbean would have drastically reduced the spread of this disease through universal access.
What have we achieved?
Regional Level We have developed a Caribbean Regional Road map to achieve UA by This was achieved at a Regional Consultation held in Jamaica in February 2006 We have developed a new Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework for the period We have developed draft model guidelines and policies to reduce HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination
Regional level We have developed a model workplace policy on HIV and AIDS, and Strengthened regional institutions such as CAREC, UWI, CRN+ and CHRC to respond to the epidemic. The active participation of regional agencies such as the Pan Caribbean Business Coalition, the Caribbean Conference of Churches and the Caribbean Broadcasting Media Partnership against HIV and AIDS.
National Level
ARVs are available to all persons in need. More PLHIV are accessing treatment. This has resulted in improved quality of life. There is a marked reduction in peri-natal transmission.
National Level There is a reduction in AIDS related mortality in some countries. All countries have National strategic Plans that are directing the HIV and AIDS Response. There is a high level of awareness about HIV and AIDS.
What needs to be achieved?
There is need for further strengthening of national health services so that they are able to provide a comprehensive range of HIV and AIDS services to all those who need them. There is need to reduce the incidence of HIV. There is need for promulgation of legislation to reduce AIDS related stigma and discrimination. There is a critical need for strategic interventions that target groups and communities most at risk.
What needs to be achieved? There is need for sustained political commitment to tackle the epidemic. There is need for scaling up testing and counseling services to include both client- initiated and provider-initiated testing and counseling. There is need to protect confidentiality and human rights. There is need for the Health Sector to strengthen links with NGO/CBO in order to address the needs of “most at risk groups.”
The success of the Caribbean Region in controlling the spread of HIV and AIDS will depend on the collective actions of governments, private sector, donor agencies and non- governmental organizations with each country relying on the strength of its neighbour’s national response to HIV and AIDS for the protection of its own population. Our experience in collective action gives a level of optimism that we will overcome this epidemic. The reality is When?
Thank you