Worship in a Changing World Source: Robert Webber, Worship First conference
Worship Changes in 20 th Century Traditional Contemporary Postmodern
9 Traditions, Liturgical Reformed Anabaptist Quaker Restitution Revivalism Soul Worship Pentecostal Holiness
Three Characteristics of Traditional Worship 1. Print-oriented. 2. Predictable. 3. Isolationist.
Two Worship Renewal Movements Now Talking Catholic Renewal – Mainline Renewal Pentecostal 1906Praise/Worship 1965 Charismatic 1940s Blended 1990
Key Contemporary Flashpoints 1.Bill and Gloria Gaither, 1960s Music revolution in U.S. 2.Jesus People (1970s) Maranatha music 3.A new move out of isolationism (today)
Shift into Postmodern Worship Convergence Liturgical and charismatic worship are moving out of isolationism and into conversation Catholic/Liturgical –Restore a biblical theology and structure of worship Pentecostal / Liturgical / Praise –Restore the immediacy of the Spirit in worship
From “answers” to “experience” People no longer come into town looking for the best preaching, but the best worship They don’t want “evidence that demands a verdict,” but an encounter with the living God
7 Characteristics of New Postmodern Worshipers Ready to commit. Spiritual but not religious. Nostalgic for the past. Long for connection. Attracted to mystery and ambiguity. Participatory joiners. Audio-visual learners. Bonhoeffer Anti-institutional Taize, Iona, Greek Orthodox Chat room Aware of complexity, seeking wisdom (not answers) Don’t want worship done to them Beyond talking head
Love/Hate 2001 Survey of Wheaton students 91% negative: “entertainment worship” Worship done “to me” –beyond “excellence” Presentational Whether traditional or contemporary 98% positive: “encounter with God” –Depth and substance
5 Characteristics of Postmodern Worship 1. Authentic 2. Spiritually engaging 3. Participatory 4. Visual/Oral 5. Contemplative
The Conflicts 1.Recently: The “Booster” vs. the “Boomer” Worship wars 2.Coming: the “Boomer” versus the “20-something” Won’t be a fight, because 20s are surfers, not fighters
A theological hypothesis … If worship is a function of mission … … then the forms of worship will change as cultures change … even as the object of worship remains unchanging and eternal!
A question … How does worship in your church need to change in order to help people in your culture connect with the God of Jesus Christ?
Worship in a Changing World Dr. John P. Chandler The Ray and Ann Spence Network for Congrgational Leadership Copy right John P. Chandler, 2001