Sean Ramsure Sean Young Tyler Daniels Microsoft Access
Access Tables TableEmployees Employee Information (1 Record) -First Name -Last Name -Date of Birth -Home Address -Hourly Rate Let’s say you want to keep track of your employee information (records), Access allows you to do this by setting up tables. Tables are where you store your records
Access Tables TableEmployees TableProducts Let’s say you also want to keep track of the products your company sells. Simply set up another table to track your product information as well -Product ID -Product Name -Sale price per unit -Inventory quantity
Access Tables TableEmployees TableOrders TableProducts Let’s say you also want to keep track of the orders your company receives. Simply set up another table to track your order information as well -Order ID -Order Date
Access Tables TableEmployees TableOrders TableProducts TableClients Finally, lets set up another table to track your client information as well -Company Name -First Name/Last Name -Shipping Address -Credit Card Info
TableEmployees TableOrders TableProducts TableClients Access Tables -In Microsoft Excel these tables would be called workbooks and would operate separately -Microsoft Access is a relational database, which means that these tables can actually be created to relate to one another -Information in one table can update or change in another
TableEmployees TableOrders TableProducts TableClients Access Tables
Access Reports Access can then be used to take any information that is organized from the tables (from a search, or query, or set of defined parameters) and run a report on that information Objects Defined: An object being a component of Access, which fulfills some sort of function. Types of objects include: Form -Display info from table/query or enter new info Report -Print results of forms of queries Query -To retrieve data from a table Table - Raw, organized data
Access Demo
Sean Ramsure Sean Young Tyler Daniels Microsoft OneNote
OneNote Common Uses Encryption -Securely gather important usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information
OneNote Common Uses Handwrite Class or Meeting Notes on a Tablet, or Tablet PC -You can insert formulas (and calculate with the space bar) -You can search handwritten notes -You can also convert the handwritten notes to text
OneNote Tabs
OneNote Taking Notes Compose -Automatically Saved -Type Notes -Write notes with stylus or mouse -Embed/Draw Tables -Insert Attachments Search -Find handwritten notes or text in pictures
OneNote Sharing Share Across Many Platforms -Any content can be shared with multiple individuals simultaneously -Any content can be edited, even if offline -Content will automatically sync when internet connectivity is regained
OneNote Demo