1 Progress of “Donor Mapping” for ARD Sector For discussion Ms Zinaida Irfat, Project Director, PSU ASPS II and Joint Chief PC Ms Zinaida Irfat, Project Director, PSU ASPS II and Joint Chief PC Mr Ole Sparre Pedersen, Danida Senior Adviser, ASPS II Mr Ole Sparre Pedersen, Danida Senior Adviser, ASPS II LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August 2008
2 Background Limited detailed knowledge and up-to-date information on donor support/project interventions in ARD sector (NGO & Gov.) Possible overlaps and gaps in technical and geographical areas Assignment of ASPS II, PSU at PC to carry out of mapping tasks in close collaboration with LCG Secretariat on ARD LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August 2008
3 Vision The “Mapping” being instrumental for: Provision of easy available project intervention areas to all stakeholders including those at field level Enhanced coordination including information sharing and joint analytical work (Donors, GoB, NGOs, etc) Increased donor harmonization, collaboration & joint funding Provision of inputs to joint assistance strategy (being formulated) LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August 2008
4 Beneficiaries (prioritized) Project implementation units Project implementation units Donor representations, Gov. Agencies & NGOs Donor representations, Gov. Agencies & NGOs Programme and project preparation & review teams Programme and project preparation & review teams Others Others LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August 2008
5 Progress of key tasks 1. Prepare a Project Matrix/Data Base (Final test runs pending) 2. Prepare a “Synthesis Report” (By end of 2008 ) 3. Sustain matrix/database and follow-up (From early 2009) LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August 2008
6 1. Project Matrix (ongoing and planned) 2 excel sheets 1 st Excel sheet a ) Basic project information b) Technical intervention areas (3+1) c) Further Info and contact details 2 nd Excel sheet a) Geographical intervention areas by donor LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August 2008
1 st Excel sheet projects LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August 2008
8 Basic project information Project name and duration Budget (Loan and grant) Donor agency NGO Government agency LCG-ARD Meeting 26 August st Excel sheet
9 Sub-sector Crops (marked by relative importance x…xxxx) - Food crops - Vegetables - Cash crops - Research and breeding - Seed multiplication - Inputs use and soil management - Irrigation - Market development - Extension and training - Farmer Groups development - Policy and institutional development - Others LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August st Excel sheet
10 Sub-sector 2: Animal Husbandry (marked by relative importance x…xxxx) - Cattle rearing - Dairy farming - Poultry production - Farmer Groups development - Avian Influenza - Goat rearing - Breeding and research - Fodder production - Market development - Veterinary service - Policy and institutional development - Others LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August st Excel sheet
11 Sub-sector 3: Fisheries (marked by relative importance x…xxxx) - Inland Aquaculture - Marine Fisheries - River and Water Bodies - Shrimp and prawn production - Fish-rice production - Group development - Institutional development and extension - Policy development - Market development - Others LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August st Excel sheet
12 Rural Dev. & Cross cutting (marked by relative importance x…xxxx) - Farming systems development/diversity - Env. friendly production (incl. arsenic) - General extension development - General market development - Micro-finance - Home industry/agribusiness - Farm access roads - Climate change - Food Security, nutrition and safety - Flood disaster and emergency - Gender, HIV/Aids & Good Governance - Water and sanitation - Education and communication - Health and hygiene - others LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August st Excel sheet
13 Contacts and References a) Project site: - Project address - Contact person(s) - Tel - b) Donor/representation: - Contact person - Tel - c) Web-sites: - project info 1st Excel sheet LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August 2008
Geographical coverage At Upazila level showing donor presence Reference to Project (Excel sheet no 1) 480 Upazilas LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August nd Excel sheet
15 2. Synthesis report Detailed description of sub-sector interventions (technical and geographical) Gaps and overlaps Avenues for enhanced coordination and collaboration Others LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August 2008
16 3. Follow-up (after report) Present key findings to stakeholders Decide on updating of data base Encourage to increased collaboration Pursue on harmonization and SWAp LCG Meeting, 26 August 2008
17 Issues Main emphasis on describing specific intervention areas in sub-sectors and geographical coverage on expense of strategies, objectives, outputs, indicators and targets Broader livelihood interventions posed a challenge Most donors operates in larger programmes, which by GoB are translated into smaller projects (DPPs & TPPs) Inclusion of NGOs is time consuming, but felt necessary Limited manpower Sustaining the “data base” not yet solved LCG Meeting, 26 August 2008
18 Way ahead Add new projects from 2008/9 Annual Development Plan (PSU - end Aug./beg. Sep.) Run additional 1-3 tests (PSU beg Sep., pls. volunteers......) Prepare list of contact persons - representations, NGOs & projects (LCG Secr. ? - mid Sep.) Send out final questionnaires (PSU – mid Sep.) Returning and follow-up on data base (PSU - end Oct) Reporting (PSU - Nov. and Dec.) LCG Meeting, 26 August 2008
19 Feed Back on presentation Is extremely welcome Particularly on Scope&Timing Thank you LCG-ARD Meeting, 26 August 2008