The future of European agriculture (2030) Jan Staman Rathenau Instituut
Short term perspectives Shift in demand and supply; enhancement of production and a better price Creating added value in the food chain in the EU; new and old members
Impact Sustainability, landscape, nature and moral issues over and again under pressure? Intensive animal husbandry at risk? Paradigm shifts in CAP New perspectives on WTO and the developing countries?
Impact 2 Shifts in politics and administration; the rise of agriculture and the fall of agricultural departments? European food valleys? Lessons learned in economic crises Lessons learned in bio invasions and disease outbreaks. Make Asia healthy.
2030; Science, technology, agriculture and society The rise of new energy companies; The end of oil and Shell One pandemia and the end of the global market. Converging technology NBIC: human enhancement, genomics/synthetic biology, synthetic food, human machine interaction, aging Space technology, robotology, ambient intelligence, screening society; to control the environment and ‘to support’ citizens. The citizen; sources for the good life, the self and our hope; enlightenment revisited? Pluralism
2030; science, technology, agriculture and society Techno food; Decoupling food from land. Health, Age, Food and Pharmacy; Innovations? Paradigm shifts or ‘the end’ of agricultural food chains.
2030 The rise of agriculture in Africa after ‘industrial’ colonization The end of the ( west) European agricultural added value story. The last Chinese student in Oxford and Cambridge Intellectual Property Rights revisited and the end of linearity in innovation (‘decoupled’ from science)
2030; major risks CAS or disasters Poverty, ethnics, migration and food security ; the Chinese approach for development; neo colonialism? Climate, energy, demography, the economic crises and national industrial policy and protection Crisis in the nation state; Antiglobalism, Nationalism, Conservatism, religious fights and economic growth in a global open market without state, soul and citizens.