GM Mosquito Workshop Introduction and context Ethical issues National decision making Data requirements Case studies Conclusions
Existing paradigm GM Crops: tested, grown, regulated ~25 years Major commodities, extensive areas, world trade Developed versus developing world tensions Predominantly single transformation events (for input traits) with additional stacking Regulation based around “containment” of genes Benefits not assessed in risk-based decisions
New challenges Recent rapid technical progress with mosquitoes First GM Mosquito transformed in 1998 Focus on public health benefits (rural/urban) Public aware of need for new control measures Disease endemic countries Expanding range and resurgence Regulation adapting from GM crop-based rules
GM mosquitoes vs GM crops Animals Some potential for disease transmission (animal to human) More self-mobile than plants Public health Risk, but also benefit? Should be judged in context of alternatives Individual choice to eat GM plants, but collective choice on public health (to be bitten by a GM insect?) Well-tried concepts, but new technologies Sterile insect technique widely used in agriculture and animal husbandry for 50 years, now in mosquitoes Managed introduction (self-sustaining) biocontrol But a range of ideas under the same regulation
Technologies Self-limiting GM Self-sustaining GM Paratransgenesis or symbionts (may be GM)
Workshop context Recent rapid technical progress with mosquitoes Several international reviews WHO/FNIH Technical Consultation WHO/FNIH Working Group EFSA GM Insect Report Cartagena Protocol review National reviews and trial releases Cayman Islands, Malaysia, other countries considering Common decisions? Common data?
Workshop introduction Present issues on GM mosquitoes Consider ethical issues Discuss some national approaches on use Collect views/questions of participants Validation of concepts/strategies New suggestions?
Key messages GM mosquitoes available and testing now Benefit/risk considered for public health Regulations may need to adapt rapidly Proportionate and pragmatic regulatory measures