Chapter 4 American Life in the 17th Century Crude Settlements give way to Permanent Structures
Unhealthy chesapeake Avg. age- 17 Families rare- single women rare Morals v. survival-unwed mothers? Population grew by imports not natural reproduction Tobacco economy-
Frustrated freemen and Bacon’s Rebellion Freedom Dues- what are they? Headright system- explain By 1675 good lands taken up- Tidewater- Piedmont-hinterland Results of Bacon’s Rebellion-
Colonial Slavery 10 million carried to new world 300 yrs 400,000 in NA % of southern pop Cost! Slaves are very costly- WIS are not-if they die..small loss 1676-all bets are off- wages rise in England/Free former Indentures pose threat By mid 1680’s slaves outnumber WIS coming in
Africans in America Deeper in south one got, worse slavery came to be Only new slaves could sustain the population!!-scattered plantations meant rebellion rare… Chesapeake slaves were better off…? Tobacco plantaions were closer together, allowing for companionship and ‘interactions’
Slavery…continued By 1720-families came into existence in Va. Soon it became as self-perpetuating slave society.. Significance? Distinct slave culture developed..language and customs became unique..Gullah.. Slaves soon replaced WIS-NYC riot 1713 and one in SC 1739 were not Bacon’s Rebellion Most slaves provided docile menial labor.some became skilled
Southern Society Slavery meant higher degree of social stratification Create your own social pyramid-you have 5 minutes to complete, no talking-3 students chosen randomly
New England Family Weather plays key role—10 yrs. – south+north Families common- women wed in late teens early 20’s- child every 2 years until menopause Health concerns are valid-though often inflated Families and longevity created strong bonds
Life In New England Towns Puritanism made for unity in purpose-strong bonds and family ties… Expansion in New England was steady and well planned-50 families=EDU. Small farms-pasture/crops and wood lot Church and gov’t. interesting mix-read…
Salem Witch Trials Jeremiad-1650…. Half-Way Covenant Hysteria grips the colony-SWT- Young girls blame Tituba for themselves being out late…soon the community is rife with trouble and people blame the ‘other’ The “OTHER” turned out to be older widows with prime cleared lands…defenseless in the face of mass hysteria….
The New England Way of Life Landscape shapes character Less ethnically mixed than other 2 sections European philosophy w/land differ from indigenous peoples-claimed to be wasting the land Animal husbandry also impacts the soil Agriculture gives way to using natural harbors-trade-shipping-ship building New Englanders have had a profound impact