Elvis System Costing and Efficiency
The Problem I know how much I've spent and the activity I've performed, but I do not know the detail of the money distribution.
The Problem If I do not know how my costs are allocated, I cannot detect where I can optimize resources.
The Objective Distribute and analyse the costs per activity, through a simple interface that generates a minimum extra workload for the analysis. Automate the process as much as possible.
Data - General costs of marketing, production and management. - Salaries, bonus, thirteenth salary and social security of pharmaceutical representatives and supervisors. - Percentage distribution of products during the visit. - Costs of promotional materials. - Travelling expenses. - Additional costs (congresses, events, trainings) and their scope (region, institution, province, team, specialty). - Bonus on sales.
The Analysis: The Doctor / The Chemist
The Analysis: Activity Costing Summaries x users, specialty, handbook and category.
The Analysis: Activity Costing Analysis of costing x province, city, area, institution, specialty, handbook.
The Analysis: Activity Costing Analysis of travelling expenses per area. Comparatives x cycles, stages in dates or years.
The Analysis: Activity Costing Analysis of geographical costing. Interactive analysis at province and city level of: Total cost Average cost of visit. Contact average cost. Average cost x inhabitant. All indexes interact with filters of specialty, type of contact, handbook.