BIT students, Spring20061 Project Organised Learning (POL) – 2: Teamwork Master of Science – 8 Semester (BIT-students) Lecturer: Lars Peter Jensen
BIT students, Spring20062 Teamwork Content: Team building Co-operation and group standards Working in subgroups How to reach consensus faster Co-operation contracts – both internal and between the group and the supervisor Exercise: Make a CoC
BIT students, Spring20063 Characteristics for a well functioning group: Common goal or objectives Agreement about group standards The members ”plays” all the necessary roles All group members respect the others
BIT students, Spring20064 Group standards You are not allowed to do more than the rest of us You are not allowed to do less than the rest of us You must not tell anything that can harm the group You must not associate with the supervisor Don't believe that you are more than any of us
BIT students, Spring20065 Working together or in subgroups Depending on task: –Reading/information seeking –Writing –Problem solving/working Depending on goal: –Collecting knowledge –Documentation –Analysing –Design –Implementation –Test
BIT students, Spring20066 Size of subgroups ? Collecting information/reading Writing working papers Writing the final documentation (chapters) Analysing Problem solving Design Implementation Test editor All or
BIT students, Spring20067 How to form subgroups and divide the tasks ? By interest By knowledge/experience By lot By voting By discussion (consensus ?) Combination ?
BIT students, Spring20068 Evaluate performance Each time a task/period is ended, test/discuss: Performance of each subgroup Was the size right for the task ? Was the strategy for subgroup formation and task division right ? How can we improve next time ? Don’t continue working in the same subgroups – change the groups to get more experienced
BIT students, Spring20069 How to reach consensus faster Do rounds – each group member express her view Take a break where all write down a conclusion of the discussion so far If the discussion basically is among two persons disagreements let two other persons plead the objectives of the different points of view Let the person sitting next to you (everybody) sum up your point of view and guess why you have this opinion
BIT students, Spring Team charter or code of conduct Why ? Create common expectations Secure clear agreements What? Contract with supervisor Group contracts: – Task strategies – Process strategies
BIT students, Spring Code of conduct (group contract) – A tool for managing people Expectations and ambitions ? Meetings – How often ? – What if somebody is late ? Organizing meetings, chairman, referee, use of blackboard ? Division of labor ? What kind of response do you give within the group ? To what extent will we socialize together, and when ?
BIT students, Spring Co-operation contracts between the group and the supervisor Regular meetings or when needed? Preparations of meetings? Deliverances before meetings? Who is running the meetings and how? What kind of input/help do you want from the supervisor? What kind of role do you want your supervisor to play during the project? What should be dealt with on meetings and what can do done by e.g.. ?
BIT students, Spring Contract with supervisor DRAFT Contract between project group XX and supervisor NN What I am willing to do (if you want me to) –Help… Meet… Discuss…. Read…. What I prefer not to do –Meet…. Read…. What I expect of you –write a memo, send the memo, chair meetings etc.
BIT students, Spring Group contract – an example
BIT students, Spring Exercise Make a Code of Conduct for your group