The Sun
The star closest to the planet Earth. A medium size star that gives us heat and light. The diameter is 109 times the diameter of Earth.
The Eight Planets
Closest planet to the sun. A small, rocky planet that looks like our moon. Covered with millions of craters. No moons.
Sometimes called the “Evening Star.” The hottest planet. Has the longest day. Spins in the opposite direction of the other planets. The clouds and rain are filled with sulfuric acid. No moons.
The only planet to have liquid water on the surface. The only known planet to support life. Surrounded by a thick atmosphere of gases. One moon.
Earth’s Moon
Earth’s only natural satellite. The only space body on which man has walked.
The surface is covered with iron; giving it a red color. Has the highest mountain in the solar system. The polar caps have layers of ice covering them. Two moons.
Asteroid Belt
Pieces of rock and metal that orbit between the planets Mars and Jupiter.
The largest planet. The shortest day. Famous for its giant red spot which is a large storm. At least 16 moons. One ring.
A large gas giant with beautiful rings. Has more moons (24) than any other planet. It is extremely large but so light it could float in water.
I am a large gas giant tipped over on my side. A beautiful, featureless blue planet. Has a small hot rocky center and an ice surface. At least 11 rings. At least 15 moons.
A large gas giant, the twin of Uranus. One of its moons, Triton, travels backwards around the planet. Two moons.
A frozen chunk of ice and dust that travels in a long, narrow orbit around the sun. When a comet moves closer to the sun, some of its ice turns into gas. A comet’s tail can be millions of kilometers long.