Saturn BY Lillie M Caudle Valdez Third Grade
Planet’s Position Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It is 900 miles away from the sun. Saturn is an outer planet. Saturn is a Jovian planet.
The Name Saturn is named for it’s bright rings. Also it is named after the roman god of agriculture.
Temperature Saturn at the coldest gets to Saturn at the hottest gets to -128.
Rotation and Orbit 1 day on Saturn is ten and a half hours. A year on Saturn is 10,832 days.
Moons and Rings Saturn has 60 moons. Saturn is know for it’s bright rings. Some of Saturn's biggest moons are Titan Lapetus Phoebe Mimas Enceladus.
Clouds and Color Saturn may or may not have a specific color. And it may or may not have clouds.
Visibility Saturn cannot be seen without a telescope.
Space Travels There was only one attempt to go to Saturn it was the Cassini satellite it was in 2005.
5 Interesting Facts The Cassini mission in 2005 was a four year trip. Scientist think that Saturn's rings are bits of Saturn when it just became a planet. Scientist believe that alien life forms may exist on Saturn. Saturn is made of gases. Saturn can float.
Bibliography World book student on destiny. Pebble World book kids on destiny.