Geocentric Theory - Earth Centered Universe Earth stationary Greek and Roman Thought, The Bible Heaven beyond our universe
Heliocentric Theory › Nicolaus Copernicus › Earth, Stars, and Planets revolved around the Sun › Ideas published in 1543 Last year of life Feared persecution and ridicule Tyco Brahe and Johannes Kepler › Mathematical Laws govern planetary movement
Starry Messenger › 1610 › Newsletter that described astronomical observations › Jupiter had 4 moons, dark spots › Rough surface on moon Shattered Aristotle's ideas Laws of Motion › Objects fall at predictable rate
Conflict With the Church › Frightened All - Protestants and Catholics › Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems › Renounced his findings › Under house arrest until death in 1642
Law of Universal Gravity Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy › 1697 › Everything in the universe works in perfect symmetry › God was the creator of the universe
New Tools › Microscope, Telescope Medicine and Human Body › Vaccines - Smallpox › Human dissections Detailed understanding of human body - organs, bones, and muscles