Stampeding Towards a More Sustainable Future Calgary Regional Telework Project TDM Summit November 18 th, 2009
Think Outside The Office What can you do that simultaneously reduces your footprint and increases your quality of life?
Virtualization Telework Flexible Work Changing Work Styles ROWE Peak- Shifting e-commuting, e- work, working from home WORK?
What we are NOT talking about We are not telling Calgary businesses to send their staff home to work in their bunny slippers 5 days a week! The ideal model is 1-2 days per week
What is it? A one-stop shop for “all things” telework including tools and resources that remove the barriers Pilot program- technology and training included The largest and most comprehensive telework initiative undertaken in Canada Three-year initiative in partnership with the City of Calgary A template for other Municipalities and regions across Canada
Key Elements of Programming Education, awareness & promotion of telework as a business strategy Tools and resources for business and teleworker Website Courses, templates, best-practices, quick-start kit Track and report Measurement tools Distributed work centre development Policy influence
1 conduct ANALYSIS 2 track CHOICES 3 report RESULTS 4 manage OPERATIONS ANALYTICS & REPORTING Use WORKshift Reporting System to aggregate and manage the extensive range of triple bottom line benefits associated with adoption of WORKshift POLICIES, PROCEDURE AND TRAINING Use Telework Management System to guide the decision process and manage the workforce transition to the new work environment. Includes eWORK training module DAILY WORK CHOICES TRACKING Use Tracking System to record and measure the daily choices employees make regarding work location, modes of transportation and communication preferences ORGANIZATIONAL SET- UP INITIATE PROGRAM: Gain a clear understanding of the work practices, preferences, and requirements of today’s knowledge based workforce.
The Triple Bottom-Line Telework has benefits for: Business Employee Environment
Did you know…? 42% of Canadian employees could be lured away from their existing employers if given the option to telework Source: Ekos Research
Key Business Benefits Business continuity/productivity plan (i.e. snow day, H1N1 flu) Increased productivity (proven: by up to 40%) Reduce operational expenditures and costs Employer of choice- attract and retain top talent
Did you know…? A 20-minute commute to the office (40-minute round trip) consumes four 40-hour work weeks a year! This equates to being in your car for over 6 days a year just for your commute!
Key Employee Benefits Improved productivity, effectiveness Work/Life Balance Free Parking!
Key Environmental Benefits Improve Calgary’s environmental image Showcase Calgary as a leaders in fossil fuel demand management. Get cars off the roads Reduce pressure on road and transit infrastructure Telework programs are measurable and reportable
Did you know…? The City of Calgary tracked the emission savings for a group of just 111 part-time teleworking team members from Nov 1 ‘08- Sept 30 th ‘09. Almost 2,500 days avoided commutes Participating employees saved over $500 per in fuel /car maintenance costs 27,000 kg green house gas (CO2) avoided 1859 kg pollutants avoided Results are measurable and reportable
Now What? Identify thought leaders in the Calgary business community –Low-hanging fruit –Key partners who can effect change in the city by providing leadership, embracing innovation, changing nature of work Secure an anchor energy company Document the outcomes ($, cultural, environmental) Report the findings
Thank You