Day 3 Characterization
Character Character: a person or animal in a story
Characterization The methods used by the author to create or reveal the characters in a story. Can be indirect or direct.
Direct Characterization The method of character development in which the author simply tells you what the character is like. For example, “Miss Alice was the nicest person you would ever want to meet,” is direct characterization. The method of character development in which the author simply tells you what the character is like. For example, “Miss Alice was the nicest person you would ever want to meet,” is direct characterization.
Indirect Characterization This method of characterization is most similar to the way we learn about people in real life. Using indirect characterization, the author presents the character’s personality through what the character says and the characters actions. You must then draw your own conclusions about the character.
Example of Direct or Indirect Characterization? Read the following example of characterization. Decide whether it is an example of direct or indirect characterization. Read the following example of characterization. Decide whether it is an example of direct or indirect characterization. (A) James was one of those people who was constantly angry. He looked for trouble wherever he went, and he usually found it. (A) James was one of those people who was constantly angry. He looked for trouble wherever he went, and he usually found it.
Example of Direct or Indirect Characterization? (B) Stanley’s eyes blazed as he surveyed the room. The corners of his mouth pointed in a decidedly southerly direction. Carol moved aside as he stalked past her.
Description A is an example of direct characterization. The author comes right out and tells you that James was always angry, and that he was looking for a fight almost constantly. Description B is an example of indirect characterization. We can tell from his angry eyes, frowning mouth and the way he walked that he is angry.
Direct Characterization Example # 1 Jane was a beautiful young girl. She had golden hair and blue eyes, which made her stand out from the rest. Indirect Characterization Example # 1 When Jane walked in the room, nobody could help but look at her stunning, gorgeous face. She commanded attention wherever she went due to her good looks.
Which method is more effective in developing the character? Why do you think so? Give examples of characterization in Wrinkle in Time. Which method is more effective in developing the character? Why do you think so? Give examples of characterization in Wrinkle in Time. Discussion Question-