Girls’ Section Al Oruba International Schools English Department grade 6 vocabulary unit 2
Meanings and Word Pictures Unit 2 vocabulary
adverse: unfavorable, working against
arid: extremely dry
assailant: a person who attacks violently
billow: a large wave
confront: to meet face – to - face
Constrain: to force, to hold back
Contemporary: belonging to the same period of time as oneself
Depict: to portray, to present or show in the form of a picture
disinterested: able to judge a situation fairly
encompass: to encircle, to include
Groundless: without any good reason or cause
Hypocrite: a two – faced person
Incomprehensible: impossible to understand
Manipulate: to handle or use skillfully
Maximum: the greatest possible amount
Mimic: a person who does imitations
Ruffle: to wrinkle, to annoy, Ruffle: to wrinkle, to annoy, a gathered strip of material to trim edges
Serene: peaceful, calm
sheepish: embarrassed
stamina: the strength needed to keep doing something