HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES: clarification TWO TYPES OF HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES: A.PREVENTIVE, e.g. disease and plague prevention B.INTERVENTIONAL,e.g. supplementary planting n.b. ecosystem recovery should be included STANDARDS AND CLASSIFICATION: Use existing standards (i.e. EU ecosystem and habitat typology)
HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES: major problems Lack of management manuals Scatteredness of information on management techniques Some available information highly specific (i.e. island restoration) Recommendation 1: Make an inventory or list of references of habitat management techniques Recommendation 1a: Take existing bibliography of island habitat recovery techniques by Shelagh Kell as starting point
HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES: general or (species) specific? General techniques: translocations, alien eradication, some wetland techniques are general Specific techniques: ? Comments on Annex 8 list of techniques is not exhaustive: soil removal, wild harvesting, environmental pollution clean-up, traditional management, introduction of pollinators, grazers, wording: ‘elimination’ of invasive species should be ‘control’ should all allien/invasive species be controlled
HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES more data sources: EUROSITE coordinates Natura 2000, has action plans and manuals EUROPARC (European Federation of natural parks (only large parks) European Centre for Nature Conservation IUCN invasive species group Ecological restoration group (USA) Dr. Emilio Laguna will provide a list of key contact persons
HABITAT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES: feasibility of guidelines Species recovery: more specific Habitat recovery more open-ended, each habitat specific techniques – no protocol can be produced Position 1: no guidelines by PGR Forum. Is too much a specialists task; produce a list of references instead Position 2: the references should be hierarchical; is part of the general methodology – Outcome: Produce metaguidelines: guidelines to direct to more specific guidelines