+ − ×÷ i Progression in Subtraction Whitley Excellence Cluster January 2014
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction – Reception ELG Using objects take a single digit away. 5 and 1 less is ? 5 and 2 less is ? 7 and 1 less is ? 4 4, take away 2 is 4. To say which number is one less than a given number.
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction – Reception ELG Count back one, two Count back to find the answer “Standing on eight and moving backwards two spaces” = = 1 23
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 1 Repeat using a bead string Repeat using a number line Use a number track subtract a single digit number from – 3 = 14
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 1 Repeat using a bead string Repeat using a number line counting back Use a number track subtract a two digit number from – 13 = 5
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 1 Repeat using a number line. Highlight or place counters on the two numbers and count the jumps Use multilink to find the difference between two numbers 8 and 5 16 and 7
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 1 Missing numbers – using multilink 7 - = 5 7 = - 9 Use Numicon to overlap the corresponding numbers to find the difference Missing numbers – Circles/ Mickey Mouse Ears 9 7 ?
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 2 47 – 23 = Use empty number lines by counting back Then helping children to become more efficient by subtracting the units in one jump Then helping children to become more efficient by subtracting the tens in one jump
+ − ×÷ i Subtraction Year 2 Counting back in 10s then 1s on a number square and number line = Using dienes equipment: =
+ − ×÷ i Column subtraction – without exchange using tens and units Subtraction Year 2 (last term) 74 – 23 = = 51 Column subtraction – with exchange using tens and units 74 – 27 = = 47
+ − ×÷ i Column subtraction (3 digit expanded) – without exchange Subtraction Year – 341 = = 426 Column subtraction – with exchange 974 – 627 = = Counting back in 100s, 10s and 1s on a number line 587 – 234 =