Feature Writing Opinión Writing
Feature Writing A colorful story about people, events, places and life. Researched and creative piece of writing with information drawn from eye witnesses and experts on the subject. Occasionally subjective, but often factual in nature
Feature Writing “An in-depth and factual write up on a topical issue which seeks to give comprehensive information in a more captivating and relaxed style than straight news”.
Feature Writing Its subject can be anything: places, a community, a farm, a business, education, science, economy, religion, philosophy; events, parades, programs, concerts; people-well known or unknown animals unusual or ordinary; objects of art or product. Succinctly features can be anything or everything on which one wishes to write.
Feature Writing A feature story must be unusual e.g. car crash (except if it involves a prominent personality) It must have the human interest dimension as this gives the reader or listener a sense of personal relationship with the subject.
Characteristic of Feature Imperishable A feature article does not perish, unlike the story which becomes stale the next day. The feature story is not attached to such time-frames since it is usually carefully selected and created at the feature writer’s convenience.
Characteristic of Feature Cannot be scooped Someone’s particular feature article cannot be published in its originality before hand, by another writer. The choice of topics for future stories is simply is the prerogative of the feature writer.
Characteristic of Feature Can be created from mundane ideas or issues The choice of topics for features includes both the serious and trivial.
Characteristic of Feature Give in-depth information on topical issues Writer must have investigated the topic before presenting the different angles to the audience. Relaxed atmosphere gives room for adequate survey of facts and information on the topic to be “featurized
Characteristic of Feature Fleshy and Colorful The feature writer adds more flesh to the straight news to make it a feature story. The language of the feature is supposed to be colorful, having been written in figurative and in flowery constructions. Language is quite different from the formal language of straight news. It is picturesque, informal and humorous.
Characteristic of Feature Stylish To use own peculiar approach to writing which could be in form of own word-coinages, romantic expressions, captivating images or use of language. Style differentiates one writer from another and it professionally allows the writer to shift his mode of writing.
Types of Feature Stories Categorization of the features into different types. But overlaps cannot be ruled out in some cases.
Types of Feature Stories Process “how-to-do-it” feature Educational because it teaches readers how to do things. In a simple playful and funny manner, the audience is informed and educated on certain issues. A lot of readers want to learn certain skills.
Types of Feature Stories Personal Experience Stories A reporter on duty may suddenly find himself in an unexpected circumstance; e.g. beaten up by a mob. He may want to narrate his ordeal to the public.
Types of Feature Stories Personal Experience Stories Some newspapers have columns called the “Reporters Notebook” where journalists recount their personal experiences in form of features. Personal experience stories could also be a form of features based on participant observation.
Types of Feature Stories Personality Profiles Human interest feature with close look at the personality of a prominence. It involves achievers The space allotted to a person’s profile depends on his prominence. For instance, an obituary profile could take the whole of a paper’s front page, depending on the person’s prominence. General profiles could be written also on organizations and places.
Types of Feature Stories Commemorative Features. These are features written to commemorate important events in a nation or in the world. For instance, a beautiful feature can be done on the commemoration of the 60 years of World War II.
Types of Feature Stories Hobbyist and Odd Occupation Feature stories can equally be written on: Hobby: A person’s unique hobby could be quite newsworthy and so be featurised. Odd Occupation: Odd Occupations such as “reverse driving” can make very interesting feature stories.
Types of Feature Stories Participatory feature This is quite similar to experience feature. It involves a recount of one’s experience on an event he participated in.
Types of Feature Stories The Capsule feature or features This is a short snappy, compact feature about people in the news. Some magazines call it newsmakers e.g. Newsweek. Some call it “in the news” as in Newswatch. The focus is usually on celebrities and newsworthy people making news in light-hearted manner.
Types of Feature Stories The Travelogue This is an account of a trip to a place of interest. It informs the readers about life in other places and draws lessons by comparing life in those places with the situation at home.
Types of Feature Stories The Exposee or Alarmer Type of feature that exposes or identifies something wrong in the society. Examples are: Advanced Fee Fraud, Child-Trafficking, Brain -Drain
Types of Feature Stories Seasonal Features Are those features that are tied to the calendar. They deal with different seasons such as Easter, Christmas, Ramadan, Valentine, Children’s day, Worker’s day Independence
Types of Feature Stories Specialized Features These are features that focus on special areas such as: Science, Farming, Leisure Traveling, Botany etc. Example: A feature on the use of bamboo for furniture and crafts.