Module 1 Lesson 3 Interpret the meaning of factors—the size of the group or the number of groups.
SPRINTS Today you’re going to do your second set of sprints. There are 2 sprints – A and B You will have 60 seconds to do as many problems as you can. I do not expect you to finish all of them, just as many as you can, trying for your personal best. Your sprint will be placed face down on your desk – do not look at your sprint until I give you the signal. Pencils in the air when you’re ready. 1 minute
SPRINTS Stop! Circle the last problem you completed. I will read just the answers. If you got the answer right, call out “Yes!” If you made a mistake, circle it (no noise). Touch your nose if you understand or raise your hand if you have any questions. Now, at the top of the page, write the number of problems you got correct. This is your personal goal for Sprint B. Thumbs up when you’re done.
SPRINTS Time to do Sprint B. Once again, you will have 60 seconds to do as many problems as you can. I do not expect you to finish all of them, just as many as you can, trying for your personal best. Remember – try to meet or beat your number correct from Sprint A. Do not flip sprint B over until you have been given the signal. Pencils at the ready! 1 minute
Group Counting Let’s skip count forwards and backwards by 2s to 20. Watch my hands for the up, down, and stop signal. Now, let’s skip count forwards and backwards by 3s to 21. Watch my hands for the up, down, and stop signal.
Add to Multiply How many groups are circled? 3 GROUPS How many are in each group? 5 IN EACH GROUP Write it as an addition sentence = 15 Write a multiplication sentence representing 3 fives equals x 5 = 15
Add to Multiply How many groups are circled? 3 GROUPS How many are in each group? 10 IN EACH GROUP Write it as an addition sentence = 30 Write a multiplication sentence representing 3 tens equals x 10 = 30
Problem of the Day Robbie sees that a carton of eggs shows an array with 2 rows of 6 eggs. What is the total number of eggs in the carton? Use the RDW process to show your solution.
Concept Development Here are the rules for our opening activity. 1. Divide yourselves into 3 equal groups. 2. Each group will stand in a different corner of the room. 3. Divide silently. You can use body movements to gesture, but no words. 4. You will show me a thumbs up when your group is ready. Be sure to look around the room to double check that all groups are equal before showing you’re ready. Touch your nose if you understand what you’re going to do. Raise your hand if you have any questions. You will have about 5 minutes. Start on the signal.
1.Divide yourselves into 3 equal groups. 2.Each group will stand in a different corner of the room. 3.Divide silently. You can use body movements to gesture, but no words. 4.You will show me a thumbs up when your group is ready. Be sure to look around the room to double check that all groups are equal before showing you’re ready. 1.Divide yourselves into 3 equal groups. 2.Each group will stand in a different corner of the room. 3.Divide silently. You can use body movements to gesture, but no words. 4.You will show me a thumbs up when your group is ready. Be sure to look around the room to double check that all groups are equal before showing you’re ready. GO!!!! STOP!!!!
When I raise my hand up – tell me how many groups we’ve made: you can either say it or show me with your fingers. 3 equal groups! 3 x ___ = ____ When I hold my hand up again – tell me how many people are in each group. 9! These numbers—the number of groups and the number in each group—are called factors.
3 x 9 = 3 x 9 =
Number Bonds First, lets draw a circle with our class total: 27 Next, draw parts coming from the total. Make 1 part to represent each row in our array. How many rows did we have? Show the size of 1 row with your fingers. Write the factor representing the size of the group inside the circles. Look back at the equation: 3 x 9 = 27. How is the factor 3 represented in the number bond? Look back at the equation: 3 x 9 = 27. How is the factor 3 represented in the number bond?
27 Here is an analysis of our equation. 3 9 = 27X Number of groups Size of groups Total