Unit7 What does he look like? Section A (Period1) By ZhaoNan Jilin No.21Middle School.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit7 What does he look like? Section A (Period1) By ZhaoNan Jilin No.21Middle School

He is short. He is tall. What does he/she look like? He is medium height. height He is really tall. He is very short.

She is heavy. She is medium build. He is thin. What does he/she look like? build

He has long hair. He has short hair.He has no hair. What does he/she look like? hair

He has curly hair. He has straight hair. What does he/she look like? hair

f a a d h e b g e

Is that your friend? No,it isn’t. What does he look like? Well,he’s really1.___ And he has 2. ___ 3. ___ hair tall curly

Listen and circle “is” or “has” below 1. is / has tall 2. is / has heavy 3. is / has curly hair 4. is / has medium height 5. is / has thin 6. is / has long hair 7. is / has short 8. is / has medium build 9. is / has short hair 2a be + 形容词 have + 名词

is has David Sally Pete 2b Listen again and fill in the chart. tallcurly hair heavy medium height long hair thin short medium build short hair Say something about these people. ….. is ……. She / He has …..

一. 写出下列词或词组的反义词。 long ______ thin _______ tall ______ big _______ old ________ difficult ______ good ______ curly ________ short hair ________ Exercise short fat short small new/youngeasy bad straight long hair

二. 用 is, has 填空。 1. He_____tall and he _____big eyes. 2. She _____of medium height,and she ______curly hair. 3. She_____ very short and she ______ very young 4. He___tall and he ______ of medium build. is has is has is

三. 根据汉语完成句子。 你爸爸看上去是什么样子 ? --- 他体格中等, 短头发。 ---What _____ your father _____ ____? ---He ____ ___ _______ build, he has ______ _____. 1. 你看起来真像爸爸。 You ____ _____ _____ your father. reallylooklike doeslook like is medium shorthair of

3. 他是一位个子高高, 头发黑色的人 He is ___ ____ man ____ black hair. 4. 她是一个瘦瘦的,中等身高,戴着 眼镜的女孩。 She is a ____, _______ ______ girl and _____ glasses. 5. 你的父亲个子高吗 ? --- 不, 他很矮。 —____ your father ______? — ____, he is ______ ______. atallwith thin medium height wears Istall Noveryshort

Pairwork 1c A: What does ______ look like? B: She/He is…., and she has ….. Describe one of your friends.

has short hair. has long hair. has straight hair. has curly hair. is tall. is short. is (of) medium height. is heavy. is thin. is (of) medium build. What does he/she look like? He/She Summary

Let’s go! Let’s play games

Describe one of your classmates. Write on your exercise book.

1. Remember these new words. look like short hair curly straight height thin heavy build 2. Describe each person in the picture in 1a. Eg: What does he / she look like? He/ She is… He/ She has…

Thank you for listening! Bye bye!

What does she do? What does she like? (draw, sing, listen to the music) She likes drawing, singing and listening to the music. She is_______. What does she look like? She is _______ She has_______. She is lovely. a art teacher. medium build curly hair

He is medium build and medium height. He has short hair. What does he look like? What does he like? (play chess, do sports) He likes playing chess and doing sports. What does he do? He is_______a PE teacher

What does he look like? She has long curly hair. She always wears glasses and jeans What is she doing? She is teaching

What does she look like? She is_________. She wears_________. medium build glasses a pair of glasses What does she teach? She teaches biology

He is _______ and____________. He has _________. He is ___ ____ and he has _____________. fat and strong medium height short hairno hair very short and thin

Who is he? He is medium build And he has short hair. What does he look like? He is Yan Dongsheng. He is our monitor. He likes playing basketball What does he like? 班长

What do they look like? They are medium height and medium build. They are very beautiful. What do they do? They are singers. What are they doing now? They are singing.

What does she look like? She is medium build. And she has curly hair. What does she teach? What does she like? She teaches math. She likes singing and dancing.

long curly hair What does she look like? She is ____ and ____. She has thintall What does she do? She is ____ a music teacher She is good-looking.