Verbs a quick review
Action Verbs An action verb tells what action a person or thing is performing. He traveled to New York. The dog barked at the cat. I considered my choices carefully.
Action Verbs – transitive or intransitive An action verb is TRANSITIVE if the receiver of the action is named in the sentence. The receiver of the action is called the object of the verb. Meg unwrapped her present. An action verb is intransitive if no receiver of the action is named in the sentence; it will not have an object. Nancy spoke to her doctor. Spoke what? - don’t know To her doctor is a prepositional phrase
Action Verbs Grammar w/b p. 15 (ex. 1 & 2)
Linking Verbs A linking verb connects a noun or pronoun (subject) at or near the beginning of the sentence with a word (complement) at or near the end. The verb be is the most common linking verb. I am happy. She is happy. You are happy.
Linking Verbs Grammar w/b p. 17 (ex. 1)
More Linking Verbs Other verbs can be used as linking verbs. If is a linking verb, the subject isn’t “doing” the verb. appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn I tasted the soup. The subject I is doing the tasting. The soup tasted good. The soup isn’t tasting anything. That’s how you know it’s a linking verb.
More Linking Verbs Grammar w/b p. 17 (ex. 2) Grammar w/b p. 19 (ex. 1)
Helping Verbs Helping verbs are added before another verb to make a verb phrase. I should have been listening in class.
Helping Verbs (23) am, are is, was were be, being, been do, does, did have, has, had will, would can, could shall, should may, might, must
Helping Verbs Song Sing to the tune of "London Bridge". Be am is are was were been Has have had Do does did Can could shall should will would may Might must being
Verb Phrase Problems Sometimes the verb phrase is separated by adverbs like not, often, slowly, and carefully. I will not go with you. She had carefully arranged her plans.
Helping Verbs Grammar w/b p. 21 (ex. 1)
Verb Phrase Grammar w/b p. 22 (ex. 2) (didn’t do)
The Infinitive The infinitive is the basic form of the verb with or without to in front of it. to run to laugh to cry to think
Participle A participle is a form of a verb that acts as an adjective. The smiling student received his award. verb participle = verb acting as adjective