A Collaborative Effort
IOOS – National Ocean Observing
PacIOOS Areas
U.S. National Coordination
IOOS to meet 7 societal goals Improve predictions of climate change and weather and their effects on coastal communities and the nation; Mitigate the effects of natural hazards more effectively; Improve the safety & efficiency of marine operations; Improve national/homeland security; Reduce public health risks; Protect & restore healthy coastal ecosystems more effectively; and Enable the sustained use of ocean and coastal resources.
Collaboration American Samoa Community College College of the Marshall Islands Conservation Society of Pohnpei Marine Environmental Research Institute - Pohnpei Pacific Marine Resources Institute (CNMI) Palau Automated Land and Resource Information System University of Guam University of Hawaii (UH Manoa – SOEST and Sea Grant; UH Hilo)
What does PacIOOS do? Data Collection: new sensors in the water Data Aggregation: repository for geospatially referenced ocean data
What does PacIOOS do? Data Visualization: create maps, images, or data products Outreach/ Communication: regarding program and general ocean phenomena such as sea level rise and climate change
Current activities Engaging stakeholders and data users Build partnerships for system growth Searching for available data sets Determine data and product needs Distribute data currently available
Instruments deployed (being deployed) Measure temperature, conductivity (salinity), depth, chlorophyll, and turbidity Near shore sensors : Water quality instruments Locations chosen for: American SamoaCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Federated States of MicronesiaGuam Republic of the Marshall Islands Palau
What do sensors tell us? More complete picture of chemical and physical conditions of coastal waters Education – time series of conditions, basis for location experiments /activities Monitor for poor water quality events (can indicate excessive runoff of land-based water)
Contact information pacioos.org Maria Haws, Pacific Islands Coordinator Jim Potemra, Data Management Team Lead