Step 1: Log into MPA Online Step 2: You will need to enter your school information into MPA Online Step 3: You will need to enter the students you wish to nominate for the band into MPA Online For instructions to complete Step 2 and Step 3 please see the PowerPoint under All-State Auditions called “How to Register Students for All-State”. Slides 1-4 will take you through this process
Step 5: Select the student you wish to nominate from the drop down menu on the left. Next select the instrument that student plays from the drop down menu on the right. Then write a detailed description of that student in the box provided. When you are finished hit the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom.
Step 6: You will then be taken to this screen. Click on ‘Print Entry Form’ to access your entry form
Step 7: This is what the top of your Entry Form will look like. Print this form, have your principal sign it, you sign it, and mail it to the address that is on the form. Be sure to include for assessment check as well!