1 Using e-Assessment in the Recruitment and Appraisal of Staff
2 Introduction A review of current and potential applications Benefits realised in practice Factors affecting adoption
3 Main Features Provide “Virtual Interviews” through web-delivered tests Tests are defined by the user Recruitment Stage identifies best candidates for interview stage Staff Appraisal is done using objective criteria
4 What does a test achieve ? Clearly indicates basic skills and knowledge applicable to the job Quickly eliminates applicants through “killer” questions Provides a formal record for the benefit of both applicant and client Gets the right applicant to interview
5 Key Benefits Avoid unnecessary interviews Reduce administrative costs Speed up the process Demonstrate and record objectivity Reduce staff turnover by improved job matching Identify staff training needs Challenge/improve recruitment needs
6 Examples in action Supermarket recruitment of Check- out staff Appointment of nationwide network of fitters for home furnishings Recruitment by University of non- academic staff
7 Practical Benefits Realised Establishes efficient process AND a database for future hirings or promotions Candidates (and client!) have clear view of job requirements Automatic “audit trail” generated help handle complaints from rejected candidates
8 Example of benefits realised – Non-academic staff recruitment to University 720 applicants within 12 days 87% applied on-line across all disciplines 50% reduction in time to process applications 80% reduction in time to achieve 1 st interviews 50% overall cost reduction Plus generation of Talent Bank
9 Factors Affecting Adoption “Tests not easy to design” “We’ve always done it this way” Nobody adds up the current costs Accessibility (in both senses) to technology
10 The Way Forward Provide Test Design services Publicise the successes