Digital Age Standards-Based Field Trips ISTE Interactive Lecture 2014 Presented by: Dr. Stacy Delacruz, Kennesaw State University Dr. Maria Shaheen, Kennesaw State University
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Goals and Objectives Participants will… 1.Identify the benefits and challenges of creating Virtual Field Trips 2. Create a list of supporting technologies that can be used to develop Virtual Field Trips. 3. Evaluate existing Virtual Field Trips 4. Start to create your own Virtual Field Trip based on standards and within a content area.
ISTE Standards Addressed ISTE Standards S—3: Research and information fluency ISTE Standard T—1: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity ISTE Standard T—2: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Pre-Assessment Questions 1. e_polls/rdsIzPeby8xw73Khttps:// e_polls/rdsIzPeby8xw73K 2. /KNz4QXVEV9oNmGKhttps:// /KNz4QXVEV9oNmGK 3. /PRpn8Ca1Fbdb4kuhttps:// /PRpn8Ca1Fbdb4ku
What is a Virtual Field Trip? A virtual field trip (VFT) is a technology-based trip that allows students to take a journey without leaving the classroom (Woerner, 1999). According to Kirchen (2011), a VFT could include a Powerpoint presentation, videos, photos, text, audio, and internet resources.
Virtual Field Trip Characteristics What are the criteria you think should be in a high quality VFT? Look at the following websites. Examine 2-3 of these and pick your favorite. In your opinion, what criteria made this an exemplary VFT? Fort Macon Wonderful Online Museums and Sites for VFT’s in Class: sites.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ed ucatorstechnology%2FpDkK+%28Educational+Technology+and+Mobile+Learning%29 sites.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ed ucatorstechnology%2FpDkK+%28Educational+Technology+and+Mobile+Learning%29 Statue of Liberty Tour: Post your comments here: What are the criteria you think should be in a high quality VFT? Look at the following websites. Examine 2-3 of these and pick your favorite. In your opinion, what criteria made this an exemplary VFT? Fort Macon Wonderful Online Museums and Sites for VFT’s in Class: sites.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ed ucatorstechnology%2FpDkK+%28Educational+Technology+and+Mobile+Learning%29 sites.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ed ucatorstechnology%2FpDkK+%28Educational+Technology+and+Mobile+Learning%29 Statue of Liberty Tour: Post your comments here:
Why Virtual Field Trips? Virtual Field Trips are not mean to supplement actual field trips. However, VFT’s can be useful in the following cases: Budget Constraints: (some schools lack funding to travel to specific field trip locations) Distance: Some field trips may be too far to travel but students can “virtually” travel to these locations Supplementation: Virtual Field Trips can be used in conjunction with traditional (on-location) field trips to increase the learning experience and extend learning.
Research- History of VFTs According to DeWitt and Storksdieck (2008), “informal learning environment field trips such as zoos and museums were studied heavily from the 1970’s to the 1990’s” (p. 181). Field trips in those days were seen as ways to extend learning beyond the classroom. The aim of VFT has not been to replace field trips but rather “to introduce students to various aspects and develop some of the basic skills needed and to prepare students for going into the field or as anticipation/follow up exercises before/after a real field trip” (Gilmour, 1997). Most VFT links that we found dated back to the mid 1990’s.
Benefits VFTs can replace or enhance background lecturing/information transmission and doing so increases the time spent by students exploring specific issues in a more ‘inquiry-based’ manner. They can study before the trip, or review after the trip (Stainfield, Fisher, Ford & Solem, 2000). There is no admission fee! Can take students to locations too far away to travel. If you use a pre-existing VFT, then the amount of legwork has already been completed.
Challenges Using a pre-existing VFT may not be personalized for your class. VFTs may be outdated, and in some cases the links or sites may not work or be up-to-date. A VFT does not replace traditional field trips and the hands-on experience that students may gain. Teachers need to think carefully about the technology they have access to. Would the VFT work as a whole class? In small groups? Individually?
Types of Virtual Field Trips Professionally Designed Teacher-Made Student-Made Collaboration
Content Area Expertise When creating VFT’s, students can gain additional expertise related to the content being studied. The majority of the participants in our study noted an increase in content area understanding via the process of creating their VFT. Prior to recording the VFT, preservice teachers were required to research the topic Preservice teachers used their research to develop specific questions for the “expert” they were interviewing at their VFT location Prior research also dictated the design for the VFT video (what should be video-taped, critical concepts to mention, etc.)
Global Component Our society is a highly global one. It is important to understand concepts from various points of view, including global ones. VFT’s can be a vehicle for global learning. VFT’s can help students learn about basic content area concepts (war, life cycles, habitats, government, etc.) via a global exchange with students from all over the world. International travel, while having advantages, also can have disadvantages (culture shock, affordability, language barriers).
Virtual Field Trips Created by Teacher Candidates Study: This project began in Fall 2012 and was sponsored by a research grant from the Georgia Reading Association. Integrated Content: Teacher candidates selected a topic for their VFT based on science and social studies standards and ELA common core standards. Time Commitment: For eight weeks the teacher candidates worked in grade level groups.
Basic VFT Requirements: Preservice teachers had to include the following in their VFT: Used (Educational version) Graphics Student-friendly navigation and language Virtual Field Trip “Guide” 4-10 minute VFT (original VFT created by the group & related to Georgia Performance Standards) 2 Additional Glog pages & links to various additional resources related to the topic Include a minimum of 1 comprehension, vocabulary, assessment, and extension activity related to the VFT topic Preservice teachers had to include the following in their VFT: Used (Educational version) Graphics Student-friendly navigation and language Virtual Field Trip “Guide” 4-10 minute VFT (original VFT created by the group & related to Georgia Performance Standards) 2 Additional Glog pages & links to various additional resources related to the topic Include a minimum of 1 comprehension, vocabulary, assessment, and extension activity related to the VFT topic
Examples of VFT’s Weather 6l6t5udbaq2ftr7mofusda0 Plants Community Helpers helpers/?from_alert=true Weather 6l6t5udbaq2ftr7mofusda0 Plants Community Helpers helpers/?from_alert=true
Comments from Other Preservice Teachers Two preservice teachers used some of the Virtual Field Trips with their K-5 students in Quito, Ecuador. They offered their comments about using VFT’s in the classroom.
In Groups… 1.Choose one content area topic that could be used for a VFT 2.In groups, list: 1. Potential field trip locations 2.Types of experts to interview 3.Global connections 4.Extension activities 5.Other (What else would you want to be sure to include?) 6.Share with the larger group or post your thoughts to Todays Meet.
References GILMOUR, I. (1997) Skiddaw Virtual Field Trip. A study of thermal metamorphism. Found at ( Kirchen, D. (2011). Making and taking virtual field trips in Pre-K and the primary grades. Young Children, 2(3), Stainfield, J., Fisher, P., Ford, B., & Solem, M. (2000). International virtual field trips: A new direction? Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 24(2), Woerner, J. J. (1999) Virtual field trips in the earth science classroom, in: P. A. Rubba, J. A. Rye & P. F. Keig (Eds) Proceeding of the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (Greeville, NC, Association for the Education of Teachers in Science), 1232–1240.