Asset Management Know your environment
Inventory Why Inventory?
Inventory Approaches WAN schematic –Sites, type of connections, carriers, circuit ID –Servers, users, IP addressing, key contacts, street address LAN schematic –Site-specific, topology, switches, routers, hubs, cabling, room locations
Inventory Approaches Server Hardware Inventory –Processor, memory, disk –Backup cycles, maintenance Server Software Inventory Communications Facilities –Circuit numbers, type/speed, repair phone numbers
Inventory Approaches Vendor List Support Services
Inventory Approaches Write it down Keep it current If your entire system was destroyed…
Know Your Users Who are the people you are serving? Find out user needs
Planning Downtime Minimize impact Overestimate time slightly Scheduling Announcing
Testing Create a test environment Test in a production environment Using redundant systems Phasing
Legacy Systems “older” technology Keep documentation Training (if still available) Staff assignments – varied
TCO Total Cost of Ownership –Hardware/Software –Support –Network facilities –Training –Administrative –Money (depreciation,etc) –Wasted time –Consumables (paper, diskettes) –Coworker’s time
Asset Management Maintain standards Outsourcing Automation Tools Inventory Tracking software Effective Training Proactively checking for problems
Asset Management What is the ultimate goal?