Inter Alliance meeting Cape Town 7th April 2005 SPA update
SPA update Cape Town 7 th April 2005 SkyTeam Pilot Alliance and Wings Pilot Coalition joint meeting September 22 nd -24 th, 2004 Prague, Czech Republic hosted by CZALPA CSA
SPA update Cape Town 7 th April 2005 Creation of pre-meeting working group WG coordinator – C. Vlooswijk Washington DC, June 2004 Group studied SPA Compact and WPC Articles of governance Group studied SPA Compact and WPC Articles of governance prepared recommendations for creating new joint documents prepared recommendations for creating new joint documents
SPA update Cape Town 7 th April 2005 SPA/WPC joint meeting: agreement on open items unanimous approaval of two new governing documents: SPA articles of governance and EB Policy manual dissolving SPA – SkyTeam pilot Alliance dissolving WPC – Wings Pilot Coalition creation of SPA – SkyTeam pilot Association SPA serves the collective interests of all member associations
SPA update Cape Town 7 th April 2005 SkyTeam Pilot Association The merge of Air France and KLM KLM, Northwest and Continental became full members of the Sky Team Airline Alliance (13th Sep 2004) Instant response of pilots - creation of a new association Aero Mexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, Czech Airlines, Delta, KLM, Korean Air, Northwest, More than pilots
SPA update Cape Town 7 th April 2005 SPA – SkyTeam Pilot Association Prague, 24th September 2004