Virī Rōmānī tria nōmina habent. Gaius Iulius Caesar
Not many praenomina in use Gaius is praenomen Not many praenomina in use Often indicated by an abbreviation – Aulus M. – Marcus App. – Appius P. – Publius C. – Gaius Q. – Quintus Cn. – Gnaeus Ser. – Servius D. – Decimus T. – Titus L. – Lucius Ti. - Tiberius
praenomen used within family or between close friends “Gaie, ambulēmus,” dīxit Marcus. “Fiat, Marce,” dīxit Gaius.
Originally name of clan Familiar names in ancient Rome Iulius is nōmen Originally name of clan Familiar names in ancient Rome Aemilius Iunius Claudius Pompeius Cornelius Antonius Domitius Valerius Iulius Tullius
If person had no cognōmen, then would be called by nōmen. Mihi nōmen est Gnaeus Pompeius. Quaeso, vocāte mē Pompeius.
Often nickname, then handed down as family name Caesar is cognōmen This is like immediate family name Often nickname, then handed down as family name
Various explanations given in antiquity for “Caesar” e. g Various explanations given in antiquity for “Caesar” e.g. from word for “hairy” or from word for “cut” – original ancestor born by Caesarian section
cognōmen most commonly used among friends Mihi nōmen est Cicero. Quid est nōmen tibi?
Plutarch tells us that cognōmen, Cicero, meant chickpea Plutarch tells us that cognōmen, Cicero, meant chickpea. Distant ancestor had cleft in tip of nose resembling a chickpea
Women’s names simpler system feminine form of name of nomen, clan thus Iulia, Claudia, Aemilia, Cornelia, Domitia, Pompeia, Antonia distinguished from other Iulias by father’s cognomen, once married by husband’s cognomen
Thus Tullia Ciceronis, daughter of Marcus Tullius Cicero, became Tullia Dolabellae, wife of Publius Cornelius Dolabella
If more than one daughter, then Iulia maior or Iulia minor or prīma, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta, etc.
Freedmen took praenomen and nomen of master Slaves had single name Freedmen took praenomen and nomen of master slave name kept as cognomen Freedwomen took feminine form of master’s nomen, plus slave name
Marcus Tullius Cicero’s slave Tiro when freed became Marcus Tullius Tiro It was Tiro who collected and published Cicero’s works after his death
If Dāvus becomes freed by Gaius Cornēlius, what will he be called?