Team Assignment 3 Team 4 – K15T2 Present
Introduce to project Goal of project Profitable for Honda Vietnam Company. Improved working process. Increases the friendly, quality customer service of Honda Vietnam. Uses less than human. reference profile, pricing, reports... fast and accurately, saving work time.
Introduce to project Project deliveries Source code Product backlog Sprint backlog Srs, sds Project plan Test plan
Project organizer Scrum process support to develop the complex products,rapid- prototyping project. There are 3 basic element in scrum: –Clear –Inspectable –Flexible
Change Management
Risk Management No. Risk Product Backlog 1 Missing requirement analysis 2 Classification priority is not reasonable Sprint Backlog 3 Estimated time and costs are unreasonable 4 Division of power not just to members 5 Divide the work for each sprint is not good 6 Done wrong burn – down chart and WBS Sprint 7 Members not in accordance with customer requirements or the provisions of the group 8 Code of regulations 9 Analysis of design errors 10 Failure to comply with working procedures 11 The members are sick 12 Products made have not been thoroughly tested 13 Products do not integrate 14 Members not able to take on multiple roles Release package of software for customer 15 Customer feels dissatisfaction 16 Product doesn’t deliver on time 17 Products are too many errors and have to rework
Work Packages Account Management Customer’s Information Management Motor’s Information Management Motor Category’s Information Management Period Warranty Management and SMS
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