An automobile accident occurs. Two drivers are involved. Witnesses include four sidewalk spectators, a policeman, a man with a video camera who happened to be shooting the scene, and the pilot of a helicopter that was flying overhead. Here we have nine different points of view and, most likely, nine different descriptions of the accident.
FIRST PERSON Tells the story in the words of one of the characters narrator==character Personal pronouns that used by writers : I Me We Us
THIRD PERSON – LIMITED Narrator knows and conveys the thoughts of ONE of the characters, but IS NOT a character narrator =/= character Personal pronouns that used by writers : He/Him She/Her They/Them It
THIRD PERSON - OMNISCIENT “all knowing” Author gives the reader knowledge of what ALL of the characters are thinking WITHOUT BEING ONE of the characters. Narrator=/=character Personal pronouns that used by writers : He/Him She/Her They/Them It
DO YOU REMEMBER MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB? Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school. And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near, And waited patiently about till Mary did appear. "Why does the lamb love Mary so?" the eager children cry; "Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know" the teacher did reply.
YOUR TURN Pretend like you are one of the following characters: Mary The Lamb The Teacher Mary’s friend School Principal Mary’s Mother Now write a letter to a person of your choice telling what happened that fateful day…
NOUNS AND PRONOUNS I.NOUNS PERSON: Dr. Pepper, dentist, President of the United States, Sam PLACE: school, Bentonville High School, park, Benton County THING/OBJECT: car, pencil, Toms, iPad IDEA/CONCEPT/EMOTION: love, understanding, friendship II. PRONOUNS: can substitute for ANY noun I, me, you, she/her, he/him, it, they/them
ADJECTIVES DESCRIBE NOUNS AND PRONOUNS ONLY! Answer the following questions about Nouns and Pronouns: What kind?large house Which one?Red car How many?Several monkeys How much?Great wealth
VERBS: ACTION, LINKING, HELPING ACTION: MENTAL OR PHYSICAL ACTION; SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DONE Run, jump, think, love, eat, perform, consider, identify LINKING: DEMONSTRATES A STATE OF BEING Is, am/are, was/were, has, had, smells, looks, appear HELPING: A SECOND OR THIRD VERB (USUALLY BEFORE THE MAIN VERB) TO HELP THE MAIN VERB BE MORE PRECISE Has gone, will be presenting, is thinking,
ADVERBS DESCRIBE VERBS, ADJECTIVES, OR OTHER ADVERBS USUALLY END IN –LY Answers the following questions about VERBS, ADJECTIVES, AND ADVERBS : HOW? WHEN? WHERE? IN WHAT WAY? TO WHAT EXTENT? Examples: ran quickly Spoke softly He is too smart (predicate adjective/linking verb)
PREPOSITIONS: SHOW RELATIONSHIPS about above across after against along amid among around as at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond by despite down during for from in inside into like near of off on onto outside over past since than through to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon with within without Prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and a NOUN!! Across the sky To the store Near the bookcase Toward the park Underneath the stars With my mom Up the tree Beside the river
CONJUNCTIONS CONNECTORS: connect main clauses to form compound sentences, and items in a series (list) F or A nd N or B ut O r Y et S o I went to the store, but I forgot to buy milk. I went to the store to buy bread, eggs, and milk.
INTERJECTIONS The word "interjection" means "thrown in between“ An interjection is a word used to express some sudden emotion of the mind Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs become interjections when they are uttered as exclamations Has no grammatical connection to any other word in the sentence. Examples: Ahaalas,good grief!no!ohwell,what? Oops!Ouch!yesgeecome on! Hey,Oh, no!
IDENTIFICATION GAME For each sentence, identify as many parts of speech as possible: 1)It certainly is hard work to stretch this canvas tight. Phew! 2)To get to the museum, they took a train. 3)Bicyclists, walkers, and joggers crowded the streets and sidewalks of the park. 4)He thought Claude Monet’s paintings were awesome. 5)Sometimes the clay dries too quickly.