HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Cultivating Good Health (Especially when you are sick!)
The Happiness Formula: Happiness = S + C + V S = Set point range C = Circumstances of your life V = Voluntary factors under your control
Health and Happiness We find only a moderate relationship between happiness & health –Paraplegics are very unhappy after losing their mobility; their happiness returns to the original (set point) level within a year. –Usual emotions are a better predictor of health-happiness relationship
Reframing Bad Health The paradox between acceptance and reframing: –This is a challenge AND –There are benefits from this. It is like a prism. You have to turn it over in your mind until you can see the good in it. -- Christopher Reeve, on maintaining positive moods after his accident.
Models for Reframing What can I still do? Vs. What have I lost? How can I help? Vs. Why don’t people help me more? What can I learn? Vs. I am useless. What will tomorrow bring? Vs. I think only of the past.
Health and Dominance Bosses live longer than workers. High status people live longer. Academy Award winners live longer. –Higher level of cortisol in “one down” role; lower level of DHEA.
Raising DHEAto Stay Young Meditation –Slows the aging process Enjoyment: savoring the moment Exercise (moderate, frequent) Be the best at some things –Leadership: everyone can be one
Meditation: Autogenic Training Arm & leg heaviness – repeat X3 –My right arm feels heavy, left, right leg... Hand and feet warm –My right hand is warm, left, right foot... Breathing –My Breathing is calm and regular I am at peace Applications