Supervisors: Maria Cunningham (UNSW), James Urquhart (CSIRO) Michael Burton (UNSW) Collaborators: Nadia Lo (UNSW/CSIRO), Bhaswati Mookerjea (Tata Institute) Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Vicki Lowe University of New South Wales CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
“Low mass stars are like weeds in the Galaxy” – Tom Megeath Characterising turbulence in molecular clouds (power spectrum analysis, -variance analysis) Following molecular abundances through an entire cloud complex (e.g. principal component analysis, Lo et al., 2009; 13 CO & masers, Breen et al., 2007) Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
Spitzer GLIMPSE: 3.6 µm (blue, starlight), 4.5 µm (green, shocked gas), 8.0 µm (red, ionised HII regions) Within the Galactic Molecular Ring, 3.6 kpc away 13 CO Bains et al. (2006) C 18 O Wong et al. (2008) b l Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs 1.2 mm dust continuum Mookerjea et al. (2004) HII region (RCW 106) Green Fuzzy Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
SIMBA on SEST 1.2 mm dust continuum Cool, dense gas tracer Molecules are complex depletion, excitation Use millimetre continuum to create a mask for molecules Mookerjea et al. (2004) Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
1.2 mm continuum dust clumps was used as a mask to compare all molecular data STARLINK ( Clump identification algorithms CLUMPFIND, GAUSSCLUMP, FELLWALKER, REINHOLD 63 dust clumps were identified (3σ cut-off) CLUMPFIND Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
/C 18 O 13 COHCNCSHNCHCO + N2H+N2H+ Mean Median Stdev Min Max % detect100% Optically thinUbiquitous gas tracer High density tracer n ~ 10 4 cm -3 Dense cold (< 20 K) gas tracer n ~ 10 5 cm -3 Outflow & inflow tracer Cold dense quiescent gas tracer Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
/C 18 OHC 3 N(10-9)HC 3 N(11-10)C2HC2HSiOSO Mean Median Stdev Min Max % detect70%40% 30% High density (n ~ 10 6 cm -3 ) tracer & Hot core molecule Photodissociation regions Shocked gas High density (n ~ 10 6 cm -3 ) tracer & Chemical clock Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs
C 2 H – PDRs N 2 H + – Cold, dense quiescent gas tracer
The Mopra G333 Survey mapped approx. 20 different molecular transitions Used 1.2 mm continuum dust clumps as a mask to compare all molecular data CLUMPFIND with 3σ cut-off produced 63 millimetre continuum clumps Variety of chemical conditions e.g. green fuzzies Thank you Poster #37 Vicki Lowe UNSW/CSIRO Great Barriers in High Mass Star Formation, 14 th September 2010 Motivation G333 GMC CLUMPFIND Abundances EGOs Website: