Subawards & Ariba Past, present and future!
Welcome Webcast testing Thanks everyone for your patience! Web Chat Room Reminders ◦ Feedback & Questions Appreciated ◦ 1-2 comments per topic ◦ Comments are viewable online & presentations are recorded & posted to the web
Subawards Media Day We aren’t just here so we won’t get fined! You know why we are here… We’re all about the action!
Questions we are going to answer: What, Why, How Where are we now? What’s changing? What you need to know Resources Q&A
It takes a village! Lynette Arias, Marcea Kato, Aron Knapp, Amanda Snyder, Mara Rivet – OSP Subaward team – OSP Laurie Hunt – eProcurement Pramilla Chand – Procurement / AP Monique Bradley – GCA Ariba transition team – Jullien & Joanna Departmental partners
What is the overall project? OSP Internal Process Improvement Ariba implementation for Subawards PAS to Ariba transition Subaward tracking - SPAERC
What are we trying to achieve? Department single point of Subaward Request ◦ New, renewal or modification ◦ Adherence to standard requirements for subs Tracking and Reporting ◦ Ability to track all requests received in OSP ◦ Ability to report on all pending subs ◦ Visibility on status for campus ◦ Electronic subaward files and information Subrecipient Tracking and Communication ◦ Subrecipient Entity data base ◦ Ability to communicate with Subrecipients via transparent system
What are we trying to achieve? Enhanced compliance ◦ Subaward requirements via Uniform Guidance ◦ Risk assessment and monitoring throughout life Enhanced service levels ◦ Reasonable turnaround times ◦ Clear and easy instructions Appropriate Resources ◦ Sufficient resources to support workload ◦ Highly trained and skilled staff ◦ Seamless backup coverage Close partnership with campus departments
In the past…. Subaward requests received many ways ◦ PAS requisitions ◦ Attachments in separate system ◦ Attachments also sent via ◦ Modifications sent via , then online form Minimal documented processes – OSP or web Inconsistent department adherence to standards Minimal risk assessment No subrecipient monitoring or entity tracking Minimal standards for appropriate use of subawards ◦ Included subs under non sponsored projects Paper files
In the present… OSP Subaward Team Attached to PAS Req Manual matching of PAS & online PAS Req / PO Routes to Procurement Then Routes to OSP Mod Web Form Mod Input w/attachments Sends to OSP Ariba CR Dept Approvals in System Subaward Routes systematically Ariba CR Version (MOD) Dept Creates & Approves Routes directly to OSP
Will it always be like this? No! OSP can not sustain this Campus needs to know status Turnaround times are not workable Many steps in play to resolve!
The Future !!! OSP Subaward Team Ariba
What is being done? Continuous process improvement Ariba instruction, resources & tools Updated Subaward Process & Monitoring courses and resources
What is being done? Staffing support ◦ Supporting the team that is the backbone! Finishing up workload assessment ◦ Ensure we have fully complete and accurate record of all subaward actions ◦ Tracking and reporting in SPAERC
Data Reconciliation Project Reconciling all the multiple paths ◦ Ensure Ariba is up to date with accurate info ◦ Ensure complete and accurate data in SPAERC ◦ Enable status transparency ◦ Enable Management reporting Will report status on web – February
The Ariba Implementation Vendor Enablement ◦ Vendor Enablement moving along – 220 enabled (out of approx 750) SCCA & FHCRC pilot! Targeted outreach to Subs with more than 10 POs: ◦ JHU ◦ Kaiser ◦ UMICH ◦ UMINN ◦ UNC
How to know your Sub is enabled AP’s Supplier Search report: rts/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fSupplie rs%2fSupplier+Search rts/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fSupplie rs%2fSupplier+Search Look for a ‘Y’ in the Ariba Network column
Have a subrecipient ready to enable? Send PAS PO# of the person registering their org City, State and Zip code (if domestic) Ariba sends Trading Relationship Request (TRR) Subrecipient follows link to sets up their org to invoice Subrecipient is enabled. Happy path? Takes less than a week
Migrating active POs 385 PO’s migrated (out of approx1000) Mondays, transition team downloads active PO report. All new POs & enabled suppliers added to week’s workload. Check to see what’s included?: Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/Purchase+Orders /Open+PAS+Orders Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/Purchase+Orders /Open+PAS+Orders TIP: Let know if you do not see one of your active POs on the list right
OSP drafts Contract Request (CR) based on the data in PAS and routes to department contact. Department contact review & update data as necessary. TIP: Pay special attention if you there are outstanding invoices. Wait for outstanding invoices to clear before approving the CR to avoid the potential for a rejected invoice. Migrating active POs
Once department contact reviews, updates and approves, the CR routes to your SubOrgapprover for approval TIP: Get your ASTRA in order: ◦ SubOrgApprover: approves Subaward request before OSP. ◦ Central Invoice Receiver: reviews and receives or requests rejections for the subaward invoices. ◦ ReceiptApprover: role needed if the preparer is the person that receives and releases funds for payment Migrating active POs
SubOrgApprover approves. CR is routed back to OSP for approval. ◦ Transition team reviews changes to ensure no modifications (usually same day) Notifications go to Department Contact and to Subrecipient BPO is active in Ariba Subrecipient can start invoicing against BPO
Subrecipient Invoicing & Receiving Subrecipient invoices against Ariba BPO Invoices routed internally according to departmental internal controls. Once approved internally, department receives in Ariba, releasing funds for payment TIP: learn about receiving:
Note about T&Cs in Ariba BPO currently includes reference to UW General Terms & Conditions, as well as Federal Flowdown Terms. ◦ This is being removed – March Comment language is being entered that Subaward Agreement T&C’s supersede
Subrecipient invoicing during transition PAS ◦ Subrecipient not enabled? – invoice in PAS Ariba ◦ Active BPO? – subrecipient invoices against BPO ◦ Department responsible for reviewing and approving Wait to approve Ariba Invoices until PAS Invoices paid!
Invoice discrepancies/exceptions TypePAS POAriba BPO Incorrect EncumbranceDept reconciles and submits specific requests for action to AP or OSP Dept reconciles and submits CR version to request change needed Budget # ChangeDept submits request to OSP. OSP verifies and updates in PAS. Processes mod or one time PO processed as needed Dept will submit via CR version Cancelling PO / BPO Close PO / BPO Not to Exceed (NTE) Amount exceeded Invoice extends beyond period of performance Changing VendorVendor must be active in Ariba in order to process CR. To change vendor close one BPO and open another. Adding a new Vendor
Invoice Reconciliation Issues in PAS or Ariba? ◦ Reconcile your budgets We need your help in focusing on this, so that we can focus our staff on issuing and executing subawards
Note on Closeouts OSP no longer s Departments ◦ Transition team contacts departments to determine what is to be closed out Ariba will notify department contacts based on what is entered on Contract Request
Subaward Numbering Changes Using SPAERC Subcontract # as (UWSCXXXX) Subaward references BPO # for invoicing New language referencing requirement for invoicing via Ariba
The main question everyone has!
When will my subaward be issued and/or Executed? Current methods to check on this ◦ Department is copied on to subrecipient Time of issuance (for unilateral this is FE) Time of full execution ◦ Fully Executed sub in SAGE on the Prime eGC1 ◦ ARIBA CR approved and turned into BPO.
When will my subaward be issued and/or Executed? Can’t find the ? Not in SAGE? More than 30 days since submission? Please send request for status to ◦ Include PAS Req # or Ariba CR # ◦ Please only send one
Important notes: PAS Requisition date not automatically the date OSP received the PAS Req PAS Req goes first to Procurement Req’s are assigned to OSP Sometimes these are not subawards and ultimately are returned to Procurement We are moving to this process now to perform initial triage Going forward – clock will start once we have confirmed that we have all appropriate docs
Reminder on Requirements All subwards requests must include: ◦ Budget (of actual subaward request) ◦ Budget justification ◦ Scope of Work ◦ Letter of intent/Face Page ◦ F&A rate agreement ◦ Subrecipient Certification Form New Entity/Long Form – New Entities Project/Short Form – All projects The issuance of your subaward will be impacted if you did not submit the appropriate supporting documentation
Subaward – Current Volume Data Item# New Subaward requests482 Mods/Renewals1179 total # of Subaward Actions past 12 months1661 In house to be Issued (with OSP) *146 Issued to be Fully Executed (with Sub) **172 Average days to issue16 Average days from issue to FE31 * of the are under 30 days old ** of the are under 30 days old
Subaward resources in OSP Team MemberPosition Marcea KatoAssistant Director Bo Park Lead Subaward Administrator (9) Cathy Cottle Subaward Administrator (8) Danny Do Lorri Vlcek Vivian Sun (60%) Subward Administrator (7) On leave Lisa GuerreroIn Training Debbie Emerson-CarterIn Training Christine Lo (50%)In Training Adel Caberto Program Coordinator Aron, Jillian and Joanna transition team
Questions? PAS to Ariba transition questions & all Ariba for subawards questions eProcurement system questions: Departmental contact peer volunteers: Maya Beal, Global Health Ted Hanson, Microbiology Becky Rooney, Bioengineering
Additional Resources On the Way! Subaward Web Page Updates published!!” ! ◦ ◦ Collaborative Hands on Training
Additional Learning Opportunities from Procurement Blanket Purchase Order BPO eLearning Direct Buy Limit ◦ Similar to BPOs for subawards. order/direct-buy-limit order/direct-buy-limit Receiving Procurement Services Ariba Overview40