National Science Foundation New Directions in Engineering Research
Control Engineering Research Control is the pervasive concept present all around us But to understand control needs lifelong meditation and very strong commitment
NSF GRANTS - DR. J. BOYD PEARSON 1973The Design of Robust Systems 1977Frequency Domain Design of Multivariable Control Systems 1981Design of Multivariable Control Systems 1984Design of Multivariable Control Systems
NSF AWARDS - DR. J. BOYD PEARSON 1988Design of Robust Digital Controllers 1989Robust Control System Design 1993Hybrid Control Systems Design AWARD CLOSED 7/14/1998
New Directions in Engineering Research Introduction Technologies of our times Reaching K-12 School Teachers »Workshop at 2000 ACC »Research Experiences for Teachers Conclusion
Trends in Electrical Engineering Research Electronics and DevicesSystems and Computation CONTROL COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTATION SYSTEMS Hybrid Systems Networks and Distributed Systems Learning and Adaptive Systems Intelligent Systems Nanotechnology Quantum Engineering Photonics MEMS / MEOMS BioMolecular / Polymer Electronics Integrated Microsystems Manufacturing Materials Design Applications Transportation, Manufacturing Communications, Power Systems, Automation, Defense, Space, Entertainment
The Big Picture FY Learning and Intelligent Systems Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence FY Information Technology FY Nanotechnology Biocomplexity and Environment Funding $ Million each Program
In search of “Innovative” proposals FY 1999 Workshops »Control Challenges in Communications Networks, Arlie House, VA; Gong, Srikant »Active Control of Combustion Dynamics SanDiago, CA; Krstic »Challenges in Automotive Control Santa Barbara, CA; Stefanopoulou FY 2000 Workshops »High School Teachers of Math and Science, 2000-ACC, Chicago; Pasik-Duncan
Reaching the High School Teachers Ideas and Technology of Control Systems Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (Chair) NSF/CSS/AACC Joint Sponsors Held on June 27, 2000 at ACC 50 High School Teachers of mathematics and science representing many school districts
Reaching the High School Teachers How feedback changed the world, Dennis Bernstein When computers control-Joys and perils of automation, Christos Cassandras Controlling the fictional world: Making a digital feature film, Brian Rosen (Pixar Animation ) Understanding phenomena through real physical objects - Understanding controlling pendulum, Katsuhisa Furuta
Reaching the High School Teachers Automatic control: A fascinating field of study, Theodore Djaferis The Robot files: Building the best soccer team in the world, Raffaello D’Andrea Using mathematics for epileptic seizure, Ivan Osorio and Mark Frei Powerful ideas in the world of the child, Alan Kay (Walt Disney Company)
Reaching the High School Teachers Making calculus fun: How to entertain at parties, Coin Adams Keynote Address: Systems, Control and Mathematics Stephen Boyd New NSF Program - Research Experience for K-12 Teachers of Math and Science
Research Experience for K-12 Teachers NSF Active participation of K-12 teachers of mathematics and science $10,000 supplent to active NSF awards in the Engineering Directorate Win-win situation that encourages parnership between local schools and institutions of higher learning
Education Investments at NSF education research education and research educationresearch Systemic Reform Digital Library GLOBE K-8 Math Teacher Preparation Teacher EnhancementGraduate K-12 CCLIMIE IERI Children’s Research Initiative PFSMETE REU C-RUI GRF IGERT CAREERVIGRE ERCSTCATE
Research and Education