Think of a way that your mind determines what reality is like for you. gossip fear confidencecalmness confusion prejudice road rage frustrationtrust Take 2 mins with your partner to work out how having a different mindset could change some of the things on this slide. Buddha teaches in the 4 Noble Truths, that Greed is at the heart of all these problems. Could that be true?
HW To do a poster showing the Buddhist teachings we have learnt so far. The 4 sights The 3 signs of Being The 3 Fires The 4 Noble Truths To understand each step on the 8-fold path To apply the 8-fold path to your own life To evaluate how the 8- fold path should be practiced The Noble Eightfold
Work out what each of the eightfold parts are, and what they might be about. 1.Think about others without ill-will, cruelty, sensuality. 2. use words that are always kind and helpful. Do not tell lies, gossip, use angry words, idle babble. Say nothing to hurt others. 3. Work hard to do good things, and to avoid the bad. Do things to the best of your ability, putting your whole self into them. 4. Be alert and aware of your thoughts and feelings so you can re- shape them in the right way. 5. Look at life in the right way. Recognise how you should see others and yourself. Understand what a good life is about. 6.Do not kill or steal. Treat others well. Do no harm to any person or animal. Respect life. 7.Work for the good of others, in a job that does not harm others or kill things. 8.Train your concentration and being aware of what is in your mind by practicing meditation. This helps you to be a self-controlled, self- aware and peaceful person. Identify which of the eightfold path is being described below. Write it out in your books.
Think of a typical school day. What type of actions, thoughts, feelings do you have during different parts of the school day? Now think how you could apply each of the 8-fold path to each of these different parts of your day.
Rank the eightfold parts in logical order of which you would learn to practice 1 st, 2 nd etc. Livelihood is last. Explain why you put your top 2 first. After the discussion, explain in your book whether your ranking has changed at all and why.
The Buddha said: “It is you who must make the effort”. EXPERIMENT Choose 3 of the Eightfold path to practice in the coming week. Plan for how you might put them into practice. Monitor each evening if it made a difference to your life.
Watch the video. Do you agree that “we are what we think”? Think about what we have talked about this lesson. You are what you think
The circle the Buddha is making with his finger and thumb symbolises the Dharma wheel. It is a symbol of Buddhism. Dharma = teaching. This Buddha is in teaching pose. The Noble Eightfold (how to rise above greed, freeing yourself from delusion and attachments, so to reach Nirvana.)