ASTRO-G project VSOP-2 – VLBI Space Observatory Programme times higher sensitivity. 10 times higher frequency observation 10 times higher resolution with ~ 40 arcseconds Observing band 8, 22, 43 GHz Dual polarization Phase-referencing capability The next generation space VLBI (SVLBI) mission following the VSOP mission m Antenna for Radio Astronomy Mass 1,300 kg (Nominal) 1 Gbps Data Downlink ~35,000 km
ASTRO-G project scientific objectives Generate VLBI Array with Ground Radio Telescopes. Magnetic fields of galaxies Jets from the accretion disks around black holes Radio galaxies Quasars Observe Astronomical Objects with the highest resolution.
EAVN WS 2009 Mar 18 ASTRO-G Schedule FY2006 (H18) 2007 (H19) 2008 (H20) 2009 (H21) 2010 (H22) 2011 (H23) 2012 (H24) 2013 (H25) 2014 (H26) 2014 (H27) Review to be a pre-project System Definition Review (SDR) Review for Project Start Design Review #1 ( PDR #1 ) Concept Design EDC Basic Design Observing system Test Integration Test Initial Orbit Check Science Operation Flight Operation Launch ( Planned ) 3 Design Review #2 ( PDR #2 ) Design Review #3 ( CDR ) Earlier Development Components (EDC) (Main antenna, Ka Ant., Cryostat, Main Structure, Thruster Later Development Components (LDC): Observing system, GPS, SLR, and other BUS system EDC Detailed Design EDC Manufacture and Test LDC Basic Design LDC Detailed Design LDC Manufacture and Test
Current Status of ASTRO-G Satellite development –Current master schedule is based on the launch scheduled to be 2013 January/February –We are now Basic Design Phase... (Phase -B). –Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for earlier development subsystems (Antenna, KaANT, Structure, Thruster, Cryostat) have finished March 13, PDR of all system will be scheduled in March –Mechanical and thermal mathematical model are made, and the checking the system based on the model is on going. –Engineering Model of Horn to LNA was tested at ISAS till February.
Current Status of ASTRO-G (Continued) Ground Facilities Some Unknown factors –Tracking station Usuda and Yebes (Spain)? now. One more? –Ground Radio Telescopes EAVN, EVN, Australia, VLBA(?) & US, S.Africa (?), … Japanese activities, (JVN upgrade for VSOP-2). Science Support –Correlators KJJVC, and others (Software correlators ?) International Collaborations –VISC-2 December, –Submit space VLBI proposal to US Decadal Survey
6 RF Gain Requirement (43 GHz) Large deployable antenna system Observing System Gain Requirements Requirements BOL EOLdBi 0 Theoretical Value Ideal Parabora71.22 dBi Loss by Antenna SRUNT SRUNT Surface Loss-0.24H dB SRUNT SRUNT Loss by Thermal Control Sheet-0.03T-0.05dB SRUNT SRUNT Reflection Loss-0.07 ※ dB LDR LDR 0.4 mm rms loss.-2.25A/H-2.25dB LDR LDR Mesh Reflection Loss-0.61T dB 1Deformation Free Antenna Characteristic Ideal Alignment Antenna Gain (Peak Gain) dBi Deformation in the orbit LDR/Structure Thermal Deformations for LDR 、 Main Structure, Sub- ref -0.90A-0.91dB ( after the pointing correction ) LDR LDR deformation by end of Life (EOL)― ※ dB 2 Thermal Deformation in the orbit Gain with thermal deformation ( Peak Gain ) dBi Pointing Los AOCS Error by Attitude Control System-0.29A dB AOCS/LDR Antenna small vibration-0.01A dB System Pointing measurement error-0.13A dB 3 Observational Gain Observational Gain (including Pointing Loss) dBi A:Analysis , H:Experience , T:Experience/Test , D: Desgin 6
Radio Quiet Room in JAXA Compact range system (September 2008)
1.5 m mesh antenna for RF test
Thermal/Vacuum Test for a module Of LDR (Aug. – Sept. 2008)
22/43GHz Sagamihara / JAXA) RF Test => Vibration Test => RF Test => SHI へ ( 2008/11/1-2009/2/19 ) 8 GHz Osaka Pref. University) RF Test => Vibration Test ( Sagamihara )=> RF Test => SHI ( 2008/11/ /M ) 43 GHz (After Vibration Test) OK! 22 GHz Test Set (Sagamihara) Frontend Development Status Frequency [GHz] GHz (After Vibration Test)
Summary Satellite development is on-going. –Engineering Model Test for Antenna, Frontend, etc. –PDR #1 is finished in March 13 th, Currently it is in basic design phase (Phase-B) International Collaboration is on-going.