- JAXA Agency Report - Osamu OCHIAI JAXA/EORC WGISS#18, SG#17 Sept. 6-10, 2004
EOC bird’s eye view Earth Observation Square Main Gate Main Bldg. Receiving Antenna No. 1 (mainly for ADEOS-II, ALOS) Receiving Antenna No. 2 (mainly for LANDSAT ) Operation Bldg No. 1 Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS) Feeder link Antenna Operation Bldg. No. 2 Receiving Antenna No. 3 (mainly for ADEOS-II, ALOS)
1978 LANDSAT- 2 LANDSAT- 3 ▲ LANDSAT- 4 ▲ LANDSAT- 5 ▲ SPOT-1 ▲ SPOT- 3 ▲ SPOT- 2 ▲ ERS- 2 ▲ ERS-1 MOS-1 MOS-1b JERS-1 ADEOS TRMM & Aqua data are transferred to JAXA EOC from NASA GSFC RADARSAT/ IRS LANDSAT-7 ▲ ▲ SPOT- 4 (Support NASA) Aqua ADEOS-II TRMM ▲ launch △ EOC establishment Operation History in EOC Foreign Agency Satellite operator 8 ▲ALOS NASDA / JAXA , NASDA terminated L-7 operation. RESTEC continuing data reception. NASDAJAXA ▲ QuikSCAT
Satellites Accessed by EOC DRTS-W Altitude : 36,000km TRMM Altitude : 402.5km Aqua Altitude : 705km Current ADEOS Altitude : 797km JERS-1 Altitude : 570km ADEOS-II Altitude : 803km SPOT Altitude : 822km LANDSAT Altitude : 705km MOS-1/1b Altitude : 909km ERS Altitude : 777km Past
Satellites Accessed by EOC ALOS Altitude : 700km Future GOSAT Altitude : 618km GPM/DPR Altitude : 400km
Record of Earth Observation Data Archives
JAXA’s Earth Observation Program JFY ~ Disaster Monitoring Land Surface Earth Environment Greenhouse Gasses Water Management Water Management Climate Change GPM/DPR ADEOS- Ⅱ /GLI Aqua/AMSR-E ADEOS- Ⅱ /AMSR GOSAT ADEOS- Ⅱ /ILAS- Ⅱ ALOS : Operational : Planning Phase TRMM/PR ( 97 ~) MOS-1(87-95) ADEOS ( 96 ~ 97 ) 【 Ozone 】 【 CO 2 】 【 Rainfall 3D 】 【 Rainfall Surface 】 【 Ocean 】 【 Ocean/Land 】 【 Ocean/Land/Atmosphere 】 【 Higher Resolution 】 MOS-1 、 JERS-1 、 ( 92 ~ 98 ) ( 87 ~ 95 ) ( 96 ~ 97 ) ADEOS ADEOS(96-97) Under discussion GCOM-W/C (TBD) Terra/Aqua MODIS/AMSR-E
ALOS status After ADEOS-II failure, ALOS is now being checked including ground system by outside experts. Launch date will be NET Sept
JAXA’s High-Resolution Earth Observing Satellite Mission Generation of Maps (1/25000) Regional Environment Monitoring Disaster Management Support Resource Survey High-resolution (2.5m) Global data collection 4ton, 7kW Launch in 2005 ALOS Satellite Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM) Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) Data Rely Communication Antenna Star Tracker GPS Antenna Phased Array tupe L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) Solar Array Paddle mass: 4000kg power: 7 kW 9m 22m
GOSAT Status Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) JAXA and National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) joint mission GOSAT data utilization Symposium was held in Tokyo April 24 th Launch:
GPM Mission Core Satellite Dual Frequency Radar Multi-frequency Radiometer H2-A Launch TRMM-like Spacecraft Non-Sun Synchronous Orbit ~70° Inclination ~ km Altitude ~4 km Horizontal Resolution 250 m Vertical Resolution Constellation Satellites Small Satellites with Microwave Radiometers Aggregate Revisit Time, 3 Hour goal Sun-Synchronous Polar Orbits ~600 km Altitude OBJECTIVE: Understand the Horizontal and Vertical Structure of Rainfall and Its Microphysical Element. Provide Training for Constellation Radiometers. OBJECTIVE: Provide Enough Sampling to Reduce Uncertainty in Short-term Rainfall Accumulations. Extend Scientific and Societal Applications. Global Precipitation Processing Center Capable of Producing Global Precip Data Products as Defined by GPM Partners Precipitation Validation Sites Global Ground Based Rain Measurement
AMSR First-light images AMSR capturing the Japanese Islands / Sea ice distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk AMSR Sample Image Observational Date:2003/01/18
AMSR Sample Image
Spring of Arctic Region Apr.2, 2003 ~ Apr.10, 2003 (Composite) GLI 1km GLI Sample Image
AMSR Sample Image AMSR Sea Surface Temperature
chlorophyll a concentration Apr. 3, 2003 ~ Apr. 10, 2003 (Composite) GLI 1km GLI Sample Image
Typhoon season NRT report: Past report: