CMSC Initiatives Update WTBA & WisDOT Contractor Engineer Conference January 21, 2010
Evaluation of WisDOT’s Transparency Effort Gary Whited Jera Jo Pashouwer Professor Awad Hanna
Overview Background Pilot program goals and projects Project demographics Study methodology Results so far
Transparency Effort Goals WisDOT managed construction projects and Consultant managed projects are viewed as being the same Faster and more timely decision making Consultant project managers have ready access to the design consultant
Pilot Project Selection Multiple state and Local Program projects in each Region Mix of bridge and roadway projects Mix of complex, large, medium and small projects Variety of contracting methods for retaining design firm
Project Demographics
Transparency design contracts range from 0.03 – 0.45% of construction contract award amount Overall approximately 0.1% of construction contract award amount About $124,000 total transparency design contract amount
Goals for our Research Project Determine the effectiveness and benefits experienced by the effort Suggest improvements that could make the program better Determine the most effective way to contract for the design involvement Make recommendations regarding continued use
Study Methodology Construct Database Conduct Interviews Compile DataDevelop Recommendations
Phone Interviews Design Team Contractors Design Consultants Consultant Project Leaders WisDOT Project Managers
Contractor Responses Most were unaware their project was a pilot Most did not submit RFI’s to the Project Leader Almost all felt they received timely responses and there were no project impacts Most felt their project was straight forward with few issues Most felt the transparency effort had value and should continue
Design Consultant Responses Most designers have used less than half of the Transparency contract cap Most said they would handle the questions anyway About half admit they were more motivated to answer quickly because of the contract All surveyed believe the effort would prove beneficial for future projects
Observations So Far Transparency Effort seems to have been well received Some criticism of how the design contract was implemented Recommendations to follow further research
Next Steps Continue interviews Compile and analyze data Review similar techniques/trends used in industry Summarize and make recommendations