Genetics NewsGenetics News F 1 completed last night P’s doing fine
Phenotype of F 1
Regulation of Gene Expression Strategy for next three weeks Regulation of gene expression (prokaryotes) - The lac operon How does environment affect expression? What is the decision making machinery? Regulation of gene expression (eukaryotes) Development of an organism
The phenomenon Diauxic growth
The lac operon
SQ10: RNA polymerase binds to each gene separately? DNA RNA PROTEIN
The lac operon SQ10: Each gene encodes a different protein? DNA RNA PROTEIN
The lac operon SQ10: Each gene has its own start codon? DNA RNA PROTEIN
The lac operon SQ10: Ribosomes bind to each gene separately? DNA RNA PROTEIN
The lac operon SQ10: Each gene is replicated separately? DNA RNA PROTEIN
ß-galactosides Lactose IPTG ONPG PGal
Properties of Galactosides Quiz Q2: Which would increase ß-galactosidase activity?
Enzyme Activity Is it: Potential: Machinery available to manufacture product? Actuality: How many products made?
Properties of Galactosides Quiz Q2: Which would increase ß-galactosidase activity?
The lac operon SQ13: Why do some galactosides only induce? Why IPTG? Why not Pgal?
The lac operon SQ12: Phenotype of lacI mutant unable to bind allolactose?
Study Question 6 Will these strains grow?
Study Question 6 Will these strains grow? SQ7: Why does growth on PGal alone select for lacI- mutants?
Predict the Lac phenotype Chromosome Plasmid Phenotype I+ P+ O+ Z+ Y+ I+ P+ O+ Z+ Y+ Inducible, growth I- P+ O+ Z+ Y+ I+ P+ O+ Z- Y+ I- P+ O- Z+ Y+ I+ P+ O+ Z- Y+ I- P- O+ Z+ Y+ I+ P+ O+ Z- Y+
The lac operon SQ14: Explain diauxic growth in terms of the lac operon.
The lac operon SQ14: Explain diauxic growth.