2 nd Term 11 th Grade Honors
Goals for Today: Discuss New Policies Goals for the Term Return Class work Writing Reflection Journal
New Policies Grades Behavior will no longer be factored into grades Why?
New Policies Attendance Sign the sheet with your initials when you enter the room This sheet will be used to track your behavior (without affecting your grades)… let me explain
NameMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Avery, Michael MA + / / Butler, Amy AB--AB/ + +: Excellent /: Average -- : Needs Improvement
Bi-National Games How many of you will be attending the games this year?
Goals for the 2 nd Term: SAT Writing How do you write an essay in 25 minutes? Grammar Run-ons/Fragments, Comma Usage, Consistent Verb Tenses
Romanticism Understanding how historical context effects writers Write a Short Story Using the ideas and techniques of Romanticism
Writing Reflection Journal Entry Write a journal entry answering these questions about your writing: What is your greatest writing strength? Give an example from your writing What is one of your writing weaknesses? Give examples from your writing. How will you improve your writing weakness by the end of this term? Explain
Rubric: Writing Refection Journal Excellent 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Poor 1 Content Your journal is an excellent reflection. You included strong insights and details about your strengths and weaknesses. The examples and details from your writing are appropriate and thoughtful. Your goals and methods for improving are clear. X 2 Organization You respond to each question with a separate paragraph. The journal entry is at least one handwritten page long. The ideas are well organized and transition smoothly from one thought to another. Writing points: _____/12 Grammar: The grammar is strong. There are very few noticeable errors. Conventions: _____/4