Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Finalize my OMM paragraph by turning it in. Define objective language and determining its purpose. Begin “pre-reading” strategy of “The Most Dangerous Game”. I know I have reached my goal when: I have turned in my OMM paragraph with the ICP rubric stapled on top. I have defined “identify”, “connect”, “establish” and have determined their role in the objectives. I have “pre-read” The Most Dangerous Game. Homework: On a post it note or separate sheet of paper create 3 predictions about the story based on what you have “pre-read”. Date Assigned: 9/30 Due Date: 10/1
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Identify the characters and conflict within MDG I know I have reached my goal when: I have read through MDG. I have identified the characters and conflict in the story through my annotations. Homework: Finish reading MDG and IDENTIFYING the characters and conflict. Date Assigned: 10/1 Due Date: 10/2
Today’s Targets Hear Something-Say Something-Read Something Comments can be structured on: -Character -Conflict -Plot -Summary -Something interesting you noticed - A question or prediction
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Identify the characters within MDG Complete character STEAL chart I know I have reached my goal when: I have identified the characters within MDG I have completed the STEAL chart with my group Homework: Finish STEAL chart if not completed in class. Date Assigned: 10/2 Due Date: 10/23
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Identify the characteristics of Rainsford and Zaroff Compare the characteristics of Rainsford and Zaroff Determine the similarities and differences between the two characters. I know I have reached my goal when: I have contributed to the class Venn Diagram I have determined whether Rainsford and Zaroff are more similar or different characters. Homework: None Date Assigned: Due Date:
Characteristics and Overall Statements Rainsford Textual Evidence: Inferences :
Characteristics and Overall Statements Capt. Zaroff Textual Evidence: Inferences :
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Review what happened with the sub Connect the characteristics of Rainsford and Zaroff Establish a statement about the similarities and differences between the two characters. Identify elements of conflict within the story. I know I have reached my goal when: I have contributed to the class Venn Diagram I have establish whether Rainsford and Zaroff are more similar or different characters. I have contributed to the discussion between conflict and suspense. Homework: MDG quiz tomorrow ! (Character and Conflict) Date Assigned: Due Date:
Rainsford Captain Zaroff Overall: Zaroff and Rainsford are (similar/different) characters because_____________________________________________________ __.
I am very unsure I am pretty sure I am sure
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Establish my understanding of the MDG Identify, characters, symbolism and imagery I know I have reached my goal when: I have taken my MDG quiz I have begun to read “The Scarlet Ibis” I have annotated for characters, symbolism and imagery Homework: Read “The Scarlet Ibis” pg. 384 Identify: Characters, Symbolism and Imagery Date Assigned 10/ Due Date: 10/9
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Reflect on my MDG quiz Identify, characters, symbolism and imagery from the S.I. I know I have reached my goal when: I have compared my MDG quiz to the answer “range key”. I have reflected on my performance and have assessed my quiz. I have identified the character, symbolism and imagery from the S.I. Homework: Make revisions to MDG quiz based on group work. Rank the remaining sections of the answer key. Date Assigned 10/9 Due Date: 10/10
Team RainsfordTeam ZaroffTeam DoodleTeam Montressor Max Andrews Tyler CJ Emma Maria Zane Hannah Natalie Sarah G Avery Allison P Team FortunadoTeam IvanTeam ElenaTeam Eugene Courtney Jennie Emilia Max M. Albert Ben Katie Danna Skyla Page Sarah B. Lauren
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Continue to reflect, revise and rate my skills on the MDG quiz Identify, characters, symbolism and imagery from the S.I. I know I have reached my goal when: I have compared my MDG quiz to the answer “range key”. I have reflected on my performance and have assessed my quiz. I have identified the character, symbolism and imagery from the S.I. Homework: Make revisions to MDG quiz based on group work. Rank the remaining sections of the answer key. Date Assigned 10/10 Due Date: 10/11
Today’s Targets Today I will be able to : Continue to reflect, revise and rate my skills on the MDG quiz. Identify characters and symbols within the S.I. I know I have reached my goal when: I have compared my MDG quiz to the answer “range key”. I have reflected on my performance and have assessed my quiz. Homework: Make revisions to MDG quiz based on group work. Please review S. I. over the weekend Date Assigned 10/10 Due Date: 10/15
Today’s Targets
Characters of S.I.
The narrator DOODLE Based on Doodle’s and the narrator’s actions, speech and thoughts… would you define their relationship? Why? What are they doing together? What do the characters say about each other? What do the characters think about each other?