Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program
2 A SCHEDULE IS… A Commercial Catalog A Commercial Catalog Multiple Awards for Varying Requirements Multiple Awards for Varying Requirements Volume Discount Pricing Volume Discount Pricing The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program is also known as the Federal Supply Schedule Program or the GSA Schedules Program The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program is also known as the Federal Supply Schedule Program or the GSA Schedules Program
3 GSA Schedule Sales GSA Schedule Sales Billion
4 Small Businesses in MAS by Number of Contracts FY06 by $ Sales
5 GSA uses commercial item IDIQ contracts using FAR Part 12 GSA uses commercial item IDIQ contracts using FAR Part 12 Determines contractor responsibility IAW FAR 9.1 Determines contractor responsibility IAW FAR 9.1 Negotiates an acceptable Subcontracting Plan Negotiates an acceptable Subcontracting Plan Negotiates fair and reasonable pricing based on the firm's Most Favored Customer rates Negotiates fair and reasonable pricing based on the firm's Most Favored Customer rates Evergreen contracts (5-year base period + three 5- year options) Evergreen contracts (5-year base period + three 5- year options) Continuous open solicitation Continuous open solicitation IN AWARDING MAS CONTRACTS
6 MAS negotiation objective is to receive prices that are equal to or better than a company's best customer with comparable requirements (GSAM ). MAS negotiation objective is to receive prices that are equal to or better than a company's best customer with comparable requirements (GSAM ). Offerors are required to submit their commercial sales and discount practices using the standard format. Offerors are required to submit their commercial sales and discount practices using the standard format. Economic Price Adjustment clause allows price change IAW commercial practice (GSAM ). Economic Price Adjustment clause allows price change IAW commercial practice (GSAM ). Contractor may offer order-level price discount w/o triggering mandatory across-the-board price reduction (GSAM ). Contractor may offer order-level price discount w/o triggering mandatory across-the-board price reduction (GSAM ). MOST FAVORED CUSTOMER (MFC) PRICING
7 TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT -- The contractor must certify and deliver “only U.S.-made or designated country end products.” (FAR (b), (g)(4)) TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT -- The contractor must certify and deliver “only U.S.-made or designated country end products.” (FAR (b), (g)(4)) Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) Contractor Team Arrangements Contractor Team Arrangements Cooperative Purchasing / Disaster Recovery Purchasing Cooperative Purchasing / Disaster Recovery Purchasing Getting on Schedule -- (Home > About GSA > Acquisition Solutions > Schedules > For Vendors - Getting on Schedule) Getting on Schedule -- (Home > About GSA > Acquisition Solutions > Schedules > For Vendors - Getting on Schedule) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
8 Vendor Training New Contractor Orientation Pathway to Success Publications New Contractor iGuide The Steps to Success – How to Be a Successful Contractor GSA Steps Newsletter Additional Training Free Self-paced Course on “How to Become a Contractor - GSA Schedules Program course” TRAINING & EDUCATION GSA Vendor Support Center
9 GSA e-Tools million items GSA Advantage! ® on-line shopping source featuring 10.6 million items e-Buy solicitation posting system (meets DoD Sec. 803) e-Buy solicitation posting system (meets DoD Sec. 803) e-Library lists all active schedule contracts (43 Schedules) e-Library lists all active schedule contracts (43 Schedules)