Business Plan Writing By: Faridath DIBOUSSE Sylvia ABUDEI Yoshiko ISOBE Yingchao SHEN
Section 1 Organizational Steps
View Samples of Business Plans Viewing good business plan samples help to get a general idea of how to write a business plan View samples that are related to the market your adhering to Sample Links: Canada BusinessSmall Business BC Business PlansUniversity of Calgary
Know the entrepreneur’s goal and objectives Set a time table that the process should be according to Know your potential readers (i.e. investors, bankers, government officials) Determine who needs to be involved in the process and their level of participation Organize the Process
Decide which type of business plan you need to create for your purposes (external, start-up, internal) Define specific areas and levels of improvement (if business already in function) Decide strategies to obtain the goal and objectives Establish performance standard for each dimension in the management department Determine Objectives and Strategies
Section 2 Business Plan Sections
Cover sheet Table of contents Executive summary Management Marketing plan Production assessment Financial assessment Supporting documents Appendix For an overview of each section Key Sections of Plan
SWOT Analysis Analyze and present the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats of the business
Know the market, customer needs Describe the product/services your business will offer Who are your targeted buyers and how will you fulfill their needs Market analysis / Identification of competition Market Assessment
Production Assessment How will the production process occur Quality requirements location & physical plant details of machinery and equipment
Review the capital structure Compute the money needed to finance the business Make the balance sheet & profit/loss statement Forecast cash flow List the details of loan collateral and repayment proposal Financial Assessment
Have supporting documents to supplement your content Details of management biographies Evaluation of assets Financial statement List of major contract Prepare Additional Documents
Determine who needs to be involved in the process and their level of participation Establish performance standard for each dimension in the manage department Write an Executive Summary
Write Executive Summary This section of your business plan is arguably to most important This section is usually 2-3 pages in length and is when the entire plan is complete It is a summary of key elements of the business plan Needs to capture the interest of the reader Needs to be well-written and thoughtful
Review the final draft of the plan Proof read: spelling, grammar, content Check all documents Make sure to have a clean, professional plan Final Revision
Bibliography Betkoski, Dinae and Lynne Ometer. "Documenting your future: How to write a business plan." Journal of THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION (2000): Griffin, Rickey W, Ebert J. Ronald and Starke A. Frederick. Business. Boston: Peearson Custom Publishing, 2005.