A census is a census is a census ? A changing role of population censuses Eurostat contribution to the seminar on population censuses at the 2012 CES plenary.


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Presentation transcript:

A census is a census is a census ? A changing role of population censuses Eurostat contribution to the seminar on population censuses at the 2012 CES plenary session

From where we come

Authentic data we can rely on 100 %

High quality comes at a high price ─ too high ?

Censuses adapt to changing environments

Census method 2010 census round Census method 2000 round Tradi- tional Com- bined Register- based OtherTOTAL Traditional Combined Register- based No census TOTAL Czech Republic Estonia Italy Lithuania Poland AustriaFrance Germany Sweden Where we are ─ a paradigm shift

1) step up the integration of censuses into social statistics 2) focus on coverage 3) make the geo-referencing of population data precise 4) make comparative quality assessments of multi- source/multi-mode processes and outputs 5) develop and use common tools Where should we be heading ?

1) Step up the integration of censuses into social statistics Assess and improve the coverage of population frames Linkage of data sources should not be a one-off exercise Harmonise specifications and breakdowns for census topics + x When integrating surveys treat census as primus inter pares Enhance continuity of census work Where should we be heading ?

2) Focus on coverage Good coverage of national and regional population is the key objective of censuses Difficult but important: cross-border coverage Assess and maintain coverage of frames also during inter- censual periods Where should we be heading ?

3) Make the geo-referencing of population data precise Causes of socio-economic and environmental phenomena do not follow delineations of administrative areas Increase analytical flexibility Precise geo-referencing of addresses Where should we be heading ?

4) Make comparative quality assessments of multi-source/multi mode processes and outputs The starting point is settled: –The established quality frameworks for official statistics –The essential features of population censuses Challenges: –Make quality criteria operational –Measure them comparatively for a multi-source/multi-mode operation –Evaluate output and processes Where should we be heading ?

5) Use and develop common tools Standardisation Improved business model Example: EU Census Hub (SDMX based) Shared software developments (e.g. validation, dissemination) Where should we be heading ?

A census is a census is … a lot of work Thank you !