Global Update Kevin Arnold Executive Director
Image Problem Poll conducted by Kingston Smith: “….half the people polled believed that the overriding personaliity trait associated with accountants is that they are boring.” “Only 4% thought accountants were fun.” Source: accountancy magazine.
Guiding Themes My Role : –Help members to grow their business. –Improve members’ benefits-the reasons for joining. –Increase international referrals. –How?
Guiding Themes Think and Act internationally-be proactive. Networking : Confidence: Referrals. Culture of responsibility-not entitlement.
Guiding Themes Doing Business together (and having fun doing it!) Quality: –Transparency –Communication –On time
Guiding Themes Importance of ‘Buy In’ to Strategic Plan. Firms must ‘Walk the Talk’ What can you do for Nexia?
Global Update To provide a brief update on issues and events since April 2009.
Scope Membership Development. Scale of our Network Member Involvement-Conferences and Committees. Recent Board Decisions-the Issues.
Scope Membership Development.
Membership Terminations: Urbano Ventocilla (Peru) Shanghai Fuxing Mingfang (China) VSI-KO (Bulgaria) ROSCO Corporation (Russia) K.A.C. (Ukraine) Bodden Anglin (Cayman Islands)
Member Losses Anderson Roscoe (Australia) SCI Kakofegitis & Co. (Cyprus) Alfery & Partners (Czech Republic) SC Revisorerne (Denmark) Audit & Compliance (Luxembourg) Revidentia HB (Sweden) Abdulrrazaq Waly Sait (Saudi Arabia) Hudsons (Canada) Nunez Rosas y Asociados (Mexico)
Member Gains VGD (Slovakia) Cautela Pros (Slovenia) DAYA (Spain) Euroaudit (Azerbaijan) Rehmann (U.S.A.) Miller Cooper (U.S.A.) Katz Sapper & Miller (U.S.A.) GTM (U.S.A.) Bernhoeft Contadores (Brazil)
Scope Scale of our Network.
Organisational & Financial Growth Fee Income: US$2.11bn - 5% 590 Offices + 12% 2,272 Partners+4% 20,600 Total Staff +10% Gained 9 members in
Financial Performance:
Networks & Association Fee Income Performance 2009 BKR International - 2% Mazars International -5% HLB International -7% Kreston International -5% PKF International -6% KPMG -11% Nexia International -5%
Regional Composition: 2009
Service Portfolio: 2009
Financial Statements April 2009 Net assets £ 650k (+30%) Current assets £856k (+7%) Liabilities and provisions £218k (-30%) Total revenue £1.609m(+29%) Expenditure £1.467m (+45%) Net surplus £148k vs. budgeted deficit of £112k
We now have over 590 offices world wide. We have over 20,000 staff. We are financially sound and well set up to develop. Nexia International remains a ‘Top 10’ international network.
25 Note: Ranks are based on Revenue of firms in Tier 2.1 and Tier 2.2 Source:World Accounting Intelligence; H4 Partners Analysis RankFranceGermanyItalySpain United Kingdom 1 PraxityBDOPraxityBDOGrant Thornton 2 KrestonNexiaBDOGrant ThorntonBDO 3 Grant Thornton PKFPraxityNexia 4 Baker TillyMoore StephensBaker TillyHorwathBaker Tilly 5 HLBRSMMoore Stephens PKF 6 NexiaPKFNexiaKrestonMoore Stephens 7 RSMPraxityHLBNexiaHLB 8 PKFBaker TillyKrestonRSM 9 Moore StephensHLBRSMBaker TillyKreston 10 BDOKrestonGrant ThorntonPKFPraxity 11 Leading Edge Alliance Horwath HLBHorwath 12 Horwath Leading Edge Alliance
Scope Member Involvement-Conferences.
2009 Training Initiatives Young Leaders Programme: Europe + Asia Pacific Young Managers Programme: Europe Nexia Academy: Germany Innovation Olympics: ANZ
Asia Pacific/European Young Leaders Programme Hosted in Beijing & Athens respectively Drew participants from 17 countries Focus on honing leadership capabilities and business development skills
European Young Managers Programme Hosted in Milan 20 participants from 11 countries Meet other Managers from across the network Improve core management skills Look at ways of working more effectively across international frontiers Improve verbal/written skills in English
Nexia Academy First Nexia Academy established in Germany Improve quality of training available to employees within national member firms Enable employees to expand network of contacts between firms
Annual Conference: Prague Biggest conference attendance in Nexia’s history with: 220 Delegates 100 accompanying guests 67 countries represented
Annual Conference: Prague
International Tax Conference: New York 100 delegates 25 accompanying guests countries represented
International Conference: New York
ANZ Regional Conference – April 2010 ‘Sharing Success’ Outside facilitators. Record Attendance- full participation. Best Practice?
Future Conferences
2010 Conference Schedule Asia Pacific: Mauritius May International Tax Conference: New York, May South America: Quito, Ecuador (13-15 June) Annual Conference: Dubai, November
Board activity: major issues Done International Risk Review Removal of Referral Fees Amended Constitution Improved Financial Reporting Recruitment of Executive Director
Board activity: major issues To Do Review/reorganisation of Nexia Structure Amalgamation of Europe and MEA regions Network/Association Review Strategy Development
Amalgamation of Europe + Middle East & Africa regions Consistent with international structure of peer organisations, networks & associations Enables Nexia to strengthen resources/capacity of Middle East & Africa firms through access to European resources on quality/training & education and marketing Continue to maintain regional identity of Europe/Middle East/African groups within larger structure Decision to be taken at November Council meeting
Network/Association Review Substantial discussion of Nexia positioning with input from Audit Committee & legal advisers Board endorsed global positioning as a network – and behaving as if a network Audit Committee tasked with assessing and introducing procedures to ensure compliance with independence requirements
Network/Association Review Board agreed to allow U.S. Members – and other jurisdictions where beneficial – to position themselves as an association within (only) their own country. Consequences National peer review (plus “Executive Review” of issues not considered through national review), provided that national review is of a sufficient level of quality to satisfy the requirements of the Nexia QCR programme Reference to “network” may be dropped
2010 – 2015 Strategic Plan
Purpose Understand where Nexia is currently positioned in terms of its strengths and weaknesses Establish a vision of where we want to be in 3-5 years time Identifying a clear set of measurable, achievable objectives and tasks Identify and provide resources to achieve them
Strategy sub-group appointed by Board Norbert Neu (Chairman, Germany) Tom Marino (Director, USA) Jeremy Boadle (Director, UK) Henry Tan (Director, Singapore) Kevin Arnold (Executive Director, UK) Roy Hoffman (Advisor, USA)
Process: 2009 Strategy Sub-group made initial presentations to March’09 & May ‘09 Board meetings June 09 – Sep 09: Members complete Strategic Planning Questionnaire 09 Annual Conference: Delegates review and discuss Questionnaire results
Process: 2010 Feb - Apr: SWOT Analysis Strategy sub-group to prepare Summary Paper to be reviewed at May Board meeting Summary presentation to be made at regional conferences June – October: Strategic Plan prepared & approved by Board November Annual Conference: Strategic Plan launched
Draft Mission Statement “ Nexia International is a leading worldwide network of independent, high quality and innovative firms who aim always to provide clients with the highest standards of national and international audit, accounting, tax and advisory services in a seamless, personal and tailored manner”
Draft Strategic Objectives: 1 Enhance Nexia’s profile internationally by providing advice to firms on methods to demonstrate a high level, seamless approach to their local marketplace
Draft Strategic Objectives: 2 Review and disseminate individual member firm’s responsibilities in helping Nexia to achieve its mission
Draft Strategic Objectives: 3 Establish a referral database system designed to improve and assist referral business flows across the network
Draft Strategic Objectives: 4 Review and where necessary improve and develop our presence in major financial centres
Draft Strategic Objectives: 5 Create more opportunities to bring members closer together to enhance the benefits of membership
Draft Strategic Objectives: 6 Raise the level of confidence between members by establishing and maintaining processes to encourage the improvement of member firm performance in all areas
Draft Strategic Objectives : 7 Encourage the continued development of specialist forums and committees in order to improve knowledge sharing opportunities throughout Nexia.
Comments or Questions?