Background- the journey to date Initiated by Jean Irvine as an ex-FT Client four years ago Set up to meet the need of experienced business leaders driving major IT-enabled change programmes Developed to members’ priorities, now migrating towards a Learning Network Good feedback on the 25 events held to date –peer to peer shared experience/case studies most popular –opportunity to discuss /networking Some key issues emerging strongly –shared rather than solved... FT Change Leadership Framework very well received
Style –Exploration and mutual learning –Members as individuals not organisations- no substitutes –Member-driven agenda –Building mutual support –Giving back – bringing the best of experience and practice into the public domain –Open, honest and confidential environment –Capability to focus in small groups
Background (2) Bi-monthly/quarterly meetings 130+ members registered: –25% active (normal for Networks) –Dominance of public sector/utilities Diverse roles: –MDs –Finance Directors –CIOs –Programme Sponsors –HR Directors Six monthly Board dining club “Board Room Conversations Around Change”
Sample Topics The role of the CEO and the Board in oversight of major change Managing transformational change in crisis situations Programme sponsorship roles and behaviour Delivery through outsourcing/partnerships Delivering change across organisations Managing IT infrastructure/the information asset base Creating a Vision and engaging the front-line
Avenues for Network development Moving from problem sharing to solution development Extending networking/information share Extending “best practice” development –health checks/diagnostics –commissioning research on critical areas case studies identifying successful responses and approaches Joint initiative with the Chartered Management Institute and the British Computer Society on change capability/skills development Engaging with the Research community
Engagement of a Business Network with Academic Research- some observations Relevance/ time frames- advice now v. research results 12 months hence (or anticipated 12 months ago) Acceptable evidence base- research “rigour” v. decades of pragmatic experience World view/language differences Cultural differences – action v. reflection Developing a “mutual model” between business and academic researchers: –Seeing organisational and personal change experience as a journey –Businesses not just “zoo animals” but equal participants A potentially rich seam to mine but few well understood models?