Northamptonshire Community Housing Network
Helping people with Disability find a place to live
The Network Aims to help people …. 1.Have choice about where they live & find a home 2.Settle in and live happily as part of our communities 3.Find work and gain confidence by helping to run the Housing Network
How it works We are community led We cover the County Anyone can join people and organisations Every one is equal – ‘Total Coproduction’ approach
How it works We have ‘Members’ not staff or customers We use Timebanking and mixture of funding to sustain ourselves Works on the belief that, we all have needs and skills, so lets share
Helping people on their Housing Journey What’s possible for me Making a decision & moving Expanding our options Living Happily in my new home
Timebanking For every hour given to help others you receive 1 time credit And for every hour of help received you pay 1 time credit
How we run the Network The Shadow Board manages day to day work The Steering Group directs the Shadow Board The Coordinator and Members do the work
Who makes up Shadow Board 8 members of the Network 6 have disabilities We must have at least 50% disabled people on the Board
Our Objectives in
Our objectives in our pilot year 1.Set up the organisation 2.Work with people to explore their housing options 3.Produce accessible housing guides and tools 4.Help set up housing try out opportunities 5.Help councils improve their services for people with disabilities 6.Work with Housing Providers to start creating more housing options 7.Help to build a better picture of housing need 8.Promote the Housing Networks approach
Setting Up the Network The Network is close to being a new company Most of our board have a disability (75%) We made an Easier read set of Articles that all board members understand We have over 60 members
Helping People with Housing We have had 55 requests for help and advice We have provided long term help to 10 people, of which:- 3 people we supported through the whole process to move
2 people, we are helping keep and manage their home 3 people, we are helping with planning a move 1 person, we are helping with neighbour problems
Progress Creating Services Made the Housing Training Programme, and Teaching Programme, to help young people and adults 17 people were on the first Housing Training Programme and more want to join further courses We are producing the Living and Work skills Programme
Creating Accessible Information Have produced a Housing Guide from the Housing Training Programme information Produced Teaching Programme with key learning outcomes for young people Produced an Easy read Choice based lettings guide with Housing Options Produced a Guide to Keyways for LD customers and families
Believing its Possible 7 people visited Camphill Community in Milton Keynes to see what its like living there 8 Members have shared their housing stories with each other about different ways of living Nobody has yet been able to try out other accommodation to see what they think
Improving Service Access 6 of us worked with Kettering Borough Council in Spring 2011 and 9 people with disabilities are working on a review at Northampton Council 2 people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities (BME) are helping, we are looking for more people
Building a Picture of Need We started collecting information about people’s housing needs and desires through the Housing Training Programme. However, more help is needed by local Council’s and other Housing Partners to make a clearer picture of the housing people need
Our Resources this year.. Members will have given over 1200 hrs in time to run the Network (equal to about £14,400) We received over £40,000 in income, (inc £15,000 for particular projects) Will receive about £2,000 in Kind help Total value of all about - £56,400 % of Time credits and in kind = 29%
We have learnt so much… such as How capable people are Big gaps in the help people need The skills we need to grow a work force How to work with others The things that work in the Training Programme What services to offer in future
The Magic in what’s happening Members are enjoying helping and sharing They are growing in confidence People with disabilities are getting help with housing and work
The Magic in what’s happening People who have not worked for a long time are helping to run the Network Some are about to become Directors of our Company
To see some of the work of the Community Housing Network (CHN) this year in pictures, please go to…. and
Our Plans for the Future Recruit 2 – 3 Trainer / Facilitators to set up the main services areas in year 1 They will develop Network members to learn to run each service area (5 - 10) All members (people and Orgs) will give some time to help run it
Our Main Future Services
The Services CHN are Planning to offer… The Housing Training Programme for young people, adults and organisations
The Services CHN are Planning to offer… A Living and Working Skills Programme – for young people, adults and organisations to use
Help to Make It Happen Planning a move and making it happen 1 to 1 support or group support for people and organisations
Expert by Experience Service Provide services to Local Councils, Housing and Care providers to make their services to people with disabilities better
Possible Sources of Income in year 1 Membership Income Sales Income Time Income Grant Income Donations
Any Questions
If you want to join in Speak to Marion Turner TODAY Or look at our website