1 Total Cost of ERP Systems Implementation in Danish, Slovak and Slovenian Companies Frantisek Sudzina Björn Johansson CAICT, Copenhagen Business School
Motivation 3gERP project tries to decrease total cost of ERP system ownership from end-customers’ perspective Need to understand cost drivers Available data are either old or are calculated from vendors’ and consultants’ perspective 2
Research setting Questionnaire survey Countries Denmark Slovakia Slovenia Effective sample size
Research setting Dependent variables: Software license Programming of changes Organizational implementation Hardware costs Explanatory variables: Country Size CIO Information strategy 4
Research model 5 Country Size CIO Information strategy Software license Programming of changes Organizational implementation Hardware costs
Findings 6 Country Size CIO Information strategy Software license Programming of changes Organizational implementation Hardware costs
Findings 7 Software license Small43,15 % Medium45,00 % Large33,42 % Programming of changes20,85 % Org. implementation18,54 % Hardware costs Denmark10,31 % Slovakia23,98 % Slovenia22,32 % With CIO25,65 % Without CIO18,31 %
Questions, comments, suggestions? 8
Thanks for your attention 9