What do managers need to develop?
Employers’ ratings of the importance of candidate skills Ability to work in a team structure 4.60 Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization 4.59 Ability to make decisions and solve problems 4.49 Ability to obtain and process information 4.46 Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work 4.45 Ability to analyze quantitative data 4.23 Technical knowledge related to the job 4.23 Proficiency with computer software programs 4.04 Ability to create and/or edit written reports 3.65 Ability to sell or influence others 3.51 National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Research: Job Outlook 2012
% employers seeking attributes on candidate’s resume Ability to work in a team 79.8% Leadership 77.2% Communication skills (written) 75.6% Problem-solving skill 74.1% Strong work ethic 73.1% Analytical/quantitative skills 72.0% Communication skills (verbal) 67.4% Initiative 65.3% Technical skills 61.1% Detail-oriented 57.5% Flexibility/adaptability 56.0% Computer skills 55.4% Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) 54.9% Organizational ability 50.8% Strategic planning skill 29.0% Friendly/outgoing personality 29.0% Creativity 22.3% Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker 21.8% Tactfulness 21.2%
Soft skills vs. Technical Skills When compared to technical skills there bigger gaps in satisfaction vs. importance in the areas of –interpersonal skills, –communication skills, Employers satisfied with the level of ‘hard skills’, but not satisfied with the level of ‘soft skills’ of college graduates (NACE, 2010). More managers are fired for their lack of soft skills than for lacking technical skills. Most managers fail because –they have “bad judgment, –can’t build teams, –have troubled relationships, –Can’t manage themselves –Learn from their mistakes. Hogan, J., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2010, p. 3). df
Intrapersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Leadership Skills Business Skills Key Skills/Competencies
Simulations/Role plays HW: Questionnaires Readings How Competencies are Learned Intrapersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Leadership Skills Business Skills Assignment 1&2, Final Exam Class participation
Define learning Types of Learning –Acquire a new/enhanced mental model –Changes in behaviour (or behavioural capacity) What is learned –Evaluate mental models of self and other’s expectations of self –How mental models are expressed in behaviours
Examples of Intrapersonal Skills Self Esteem Self confidence, –Developed also via class participation Self Control Restrain impulses, stay focussed, follow routines Attitudes toward authority Follow rules and respect procedures, ease of supervision
Examples of Interpersonal Skills Initiate, build, maintain Social Skills –Put oneself in the place of another person and try to understand what the person expects in an interaction Self-monitoring –Incorporate information about other person’s expectations in one’s subsequent behaviour e.g., Regulating oneself when interacting with supervisor Self Control –Stay focused on the other person’s expectation E.g., supervisor’s expectation of being treated with respect
Examples of Leadership Skills Motivating subordinates –Performance feedback –Goal setting –Building positive relationships with each team member Developing & communicating vision –Goal setting –Persuasion Using charisma to project vision Persistence –Part of self-control
Examples of Business Skills some already covered in other classes Negotiation E.g., Salary packages, Business contracts Decision Making & Problem Solving Budgeting, Cutting costs, Organizing reports Planning Forecasting costs and revenues Evaluating Performance HR Business strategy Profitability, good customer service
Methods of Evaluation Class Participation –Worth 15% –Class Discussion on exercises & lectures coupon –Preparation for class (questionnaires & background of role plays) Credit /no credit –Attendance (randomly assessed)
Methods of Evaluation Assignment 1=20% –Analysis of weakness based on questionnaires completed by self and other Assignment 2= 30 % –Set Plan for change –Execute plan –Assessment of change –Conclusion
Methods of Evaluation Final exam=35% –Short answer questions based on Debriefing questions Reflection on role play experiences Readings (book chapters, journal articles)
My availability By appointment in person on –Mondays after 3p On skype/telephone by appointment on –Tuesdays Thursdays & Friday 10a-430p On –turnaround- 24 hours during weekdays and 48 hours on weekend
Your current network Think about who you know at this time who might help you PROFESSIONALLY in any way. Include relatives and friends. Draw this network by putting yourself at the center of a page, and then arranging the contacts around you. : –The ones you put closest to you (circle 1) should be those you can contact by phone pretty much any time. –Those farther away should be those whom you would contact by phone only during business hours. (circle 2) –If you need to go through a third party to get to a contact (for example, if you need to ask one party to mention you to another party before you would call them), draw an arrow from the closer contact to the more remote contact. (circle 3) Assess the usefulness of your network on a scale of1-5 based on... How many people are in your network? 1 st vs. 2 nd vs. 3 rd circle? How influential are they? How helpful would they be to you PROFESSIONALLY?
Think about what your career goals are.... Which of the current people in your network will actually help you reach your career goals? –Are they in the 3 rd circle or 2 nd circle? What will you do to move them from 3 rd to 2 nd circle? What types of people do you need to add to your network to fulfill your career goals? –You do not need to have specific people in mind. You might include... “Someone with contacts in x industry” or “Someone who knows me well enough to give a thorough recommendation to an employer.” What will you do to add these additional people to your network? Your ideal network
Class Discussion What does a really good business network look like? How do you create one? How do you maintain it over time?
Developing a professional network Effective networks are broad rather than deep –identify and get to know people who are especially well- connected. While mentors have a relationship with you, well-connected people (who may or may not be mentors to you) have relationships with lots of others. Don’t rely on the Internet. Go out of your way to strengthen any weak ties you have with others. –better to have a lot of weaker connections than fewer strong connections that may not pan out. Keep in touch over time, with everyone from college friends and professors to members of professional societies. You never know who may be able to help you. J. M. Levine and R. Cassidy, “The One Sure Way to Land Your Dream Job,” R&D Magazine 41 (10), September 1999:14SE-16SE; M. Granovetter, “The Impact of Social Structure on Economic Outcomes,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 19 (1) Winter 2005:33-50.